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File Number: 17-392 <br />(PULL) Program. Expenditures increased by $4.8 million or 102% due to the same $6.2 <br />million contribution to the PULL Program. <br />Equipment Maintenance (690) - Expenditures increased by $491,000 or 40% due to an <br />increased cost in the purchase and replacement of vehicles. <br /> <br />Special Revenue Funds <br /> <br />Revenues and expenses for the City's operating Special Revenue Funds are included in the <br />report. Revenues and expenditures for the Parking Fund, Gas Tax Fund, Heron Bay <br />Maintenance Fund, Housing Services Funds, Business Improvement District Fund, and the <br />Public Education & Government Access Fund are provided. <br /> <br />The following details year over year Special Revenue Funds expenditure or revenue <br />variances that are equal to or greater than + or - 10% and are presented in the order they are <br />shown on the mid-year financial report: <br />Gas Tax - Street Maintenance (140) - Expenditures decreased by $380,000 or 21% due <br />to fewer purchases of and a decrease in costs for supplies and capital assets for street <br />sealing and maintenance. <br />Asset Seizure (146) - Revenues decreased by $12,000 or 19% due to lower seizure <br />disbursements received by granting agencies. Expenditures increased by $104,000 or 289% <br />due to new eligible expenditures of Asset Seizure funds. <br />Heron Bay (147) - Revenues decreased by $1,000 or 33% due entirely to the recording of <br />unrealized gains and losses on investments in fiscal year 2015-16 that were not yet recorded <br />in fiscal year 2016-17. Expenditures decreased by $111,000 or 43% due to a decrease in <br />staff time and repairs and maintenance costs. <br />Housing Funds (165 - 167) - Revenues increased by $92,000 or 22% primarily due to <br />higher Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) payments and greater Home Fund <br />project reimbursements from Alameda County. Expenditures increased by $140,000 or 34% <br />primarily due to Citywide ADA upgrades. <br />Business Improvement District (170) - Expenditures increased by $185,000 or 45% due <br />entirely to an increase in the operational expenses of LINKS Shuttle to implement planned <br />service expansions. <br />Public Education & Government Fees Fund (180) - Expenditures increased by $18,000 <br />or 58% due to additional upgrades to the City Council Chambers and payments made to the <br />vendor responsible for streaming City Council and other meetings. <br />ATTACHMENTS <br />·3rd Quarter Financial Report <br />Page 5 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/11/2017 <br />363