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July 17, 2017City Council Meeting Agenda <br />renovations to the Luella Fuller Home and $90,000 for Continued <br />Implementation of the City’s ADA Transition Plan); Authorizing the City <br />Manager to Execute All Documents Related to the Submission of the <br />Amended Plan to the HUD; and Authorize the City Manager to Execute <br />a Forgivable CDBG Loan Agreement and Related Documents Not to <br />Exceed $10,000 with the Housing Consortium of the East Bay for <br />Renovations to Luella Fuller Home. <br />8.J.17-402 Staff Report for a Resolution to Approve Community Development Block <br />Grant (CDBG) Agreements for FY 2017-2018 Between the City of San <br />Leandro and CDBG Sub-recipients for Public Services Grants to the <br />Child Abuse Listening, Interviewing, and Coordination Center (CALICO) <br />for $20,537; Davis Street Family Resource Center (Davis Street) for <br />$36,197; Service Opportunities for Seniors, Inc. (SOS/Meals on Wheels) <br />for $42,203; and Eden Council for Hope and Opportunity Housing <br />(ECHO Housing) for $10,000 (approves 4 agreements totaling <br />$108,937) <br />17-403 RESOLUTION to Approve Community Development Block Grant <br />(CDBG) Agreements for FY 2017-2018 Between the City of San <br />Leandro and CDBG Sub-recipients for Public Services Grants to the <br />Child Abuse Listening, Interviewing, and Coordination Center (CALICO) <br />for $20,537; Davis Street Family Resource Center (Davis Street) for <br />$36,197; Service Opportunities for Seniors, Inc. (SOS/Meals on Wheels) <br />for $42,203; and Eden Council for Hope and Opportunity Housing <br />(ECHO Housing) for $10,000 (approves 4 agreements totaling <br />$108,937) <br />8.K.17-375 Staff Report for a Resolution to Award a Construction Contract to W. <br />Bradley Electric, Inc. for the Bancroft-Sybil Intersection Improvements <br />Project, Project No. 2014.0440, in the Amount of $404,267; <br />Authorization for the City Manager to Negotiate and Approve Individual <br />Change Orders Up to 5% of the Original Contract Amount; Authorization <br />for the City Manager to Negotiate and Approve Cumulative Change <br />Orders up to 15% of the Original Contract Amount; and to Appropriate <br />$60,000 from the Development Fees for Street Improvements (DFSI) <br />Fund Balance <br />17-376 RESOLUTION to Award a Construction Contract to W. Bradley Electric, <br />Inc. for the Bancroft-Sybil Intersection Improvements Project, Project <br />No. 2014.0440, in the Amount of $404,267; Authorization for the City <br />Manager to Negotiate and Approve Individual Change Orders up to 5% <br />of the Original Contract Amount ($20,213); Authorization for the City <br />Manager to Negotiate and Approve Cumulative Change Orders up to <br />15% of the Original Contract Amount ($60,640); and to Appropriate <br />$60,000 from the Development Fee for Street Improvements (DFSI) <br />Fund Balance <br />8.L.17-396 Staff Report for a Resolution to Award a $3,048,462 Construction <br />Contract to DeSilva Gates Construction, L.P. for the Annual Overlay / <br />Page 5 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/11/2017 <br />9