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• <br /> sidewalk, curb and gutter in the same location and alignment as the existing sidewalk, <br /> curb and gutter and shall construct City of San Leandro standard commercial driveway <br /> approaches. <br /> L. The property frontage on Washington Avenue has two AC Transit benches in the <br /> middle of sidewalk (see attached exhibit for location). ADA path cannot be maintained <br /> currently because of the location of benches. The applicant shall remove existing <br /> benches and provide new benches at a location such that ADA path is maintained. <br /> Show location of the new benches on the plan for Building Permit. <br /> M. The driveway closest to the intersection on Washington Avenue shall be closed for the <br /> purpose of safety and new City standard sidewalk, curb and gutter shall be constructed <br /> in the same location and alignment as the existing sidewalk, curb and gutter. The other <br /> three driveways shall be upgraded to conform to current accessibility standards by <br /> incorporating a four foot wide area at the back of each driveway that slopes not more <br /> than 2% (percent) towards the street for wheelchair passage. See City Standard Drawing <br /> 102 for more information. <br /> N. The developer and contractor shall use standard construction best management practices <br /> (BMP's) to prevent storm water pollution as a result of the development. <br /> O. The truck-turning template on sheet SP-1 shows that trucks would conflict with a <br /> disabled parking space. Either the on-site truck circulation or the parking layout shall be <br /> adjusted or redesigned accordingly to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. <br /> P. Applicant shall reduce storm water pollution by implementing the following pollution <br /> source control measures: <br /> 1. All storm drains shall be marked "NO DUMPING, DRAINS TO BAY." <br /> 2. All on-site storm drains shall be inspected and, if necessary, cleaned at least twice a <br /> year including immediately prior to the rainy season. <br /> 3. Sidewalks and parking lots shall be swept regularly to minimize the accumulation of <br /> litter and debris. Steam cleaning or low volume pressure washing may be performed <br /> only after pre-cleaning using dry methods, spot cleaning and recovery in stained areas <br /> and removal of all mobile pollutants. Debris resulting from pressure washing shall be <br /> trapped and collected to prevent entry into the storm drain system. Wash water <br /> containing any soap, cleaning agent or degreaser shall not be discharged to the storm <br /> drain. <br /> 4. Air conditioning condensate shall be directed to landscaped areas. <br /> 5. Landscaping shall be designed to minimize irrigation and runoff, promote surface <br /> infiltration where appropriate, and minimize the use of fertilizers and pesticides that can <br /> contribute to storm water pollution. <br /> Agreement to Conditions November 18,2016 <br /> PLN16-0030 Page 8 of 14 <br />