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July 17, 2017 <br />Exhibit A -Consistency Memorandum - Environmental Documentation forth San Leandro Technology <br />Campus Mixed Use Development Project, Westlake Development Partners, LLC (PLN16-oo67). <br />The City of San Leandro c/o Michael Baker I nternationa I reviewed the proposed San Leandro Technology <br />Campus Mixed Use Development at Parrot Street and Thornton Street to determine the appropriate <br />level of environmental review required under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). As <br />documented below, Michael Baker determined that additional environmental review is not required and <br />that the project is consistent with the San Leandro Zoning Code and the San Leandro 2035 General Plan. <br />PROJECT DESCRIPTION <br />REGIONAL AND LOCAL SETTING <br />The project site is located on Martinez Street, between Parrott Street and Thornton Street in downtown <br />San Leandro. San Leandro is located in western Alameda County in the San Francisco Bay Area (Figure <br />i, Regional Location), between Oakland to the northwest and Hayward to the southeast. Regional <br />access to the project area is via Interstate 88o (1-88o) and State Route (SR) 1.22, and locally via Alvarado <br />Street, Martinez Street, Thornton Street, and Parrot Street. The project site is located approximately o.8 <br />mile east of I -88o and o.3 mile south of SR iia, between the existing Union Pacific Railroad <br />(UPRR)/Amtrak track to the west and the San Leandro Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) station to the east. <br />The project site is bordered on the north by an existing parking structure, on the south by industrial uses <br />across Thornton Street, on the west by light industrial across the UPRR/Amtrak track, and on the east by <br />the San Leandro BART station parking lot. <br />The project site (parcel 12) is the southern parcel of a five -parcel area designated for a transit -oriented <br />development called the San Leandro Technology Campus (SLTC; [Figure z, Project Location]). Parcels <br />z and 3 have been developed and are currently in use, as the first phase of the SLTC development. Parcel <br />z, adjacent to the project site on the north side, is developed with the 6 -level SLTC parking structure <br />(Figure 3 Existing Parking Structure Looking South). As shown in Figure 4, Existing Office Building <br />Looking West, Parcel 3 is developed with a six -story office building, occupied by OSlsoft, LLC Software <br />Company. Parcels 4 and 5, to the north of the overall SLTC development site, are currently vacant and <br />covered with grasses. shows the existing parking lot. <br />PROJECT SITE SETTING <br />The project site encompasses approximately 3.1 acres. The project is located on a vacant site, which is <br />relatively flat and has previously been graded and disturbed. The project site groundcover is primarily <br />dirt, dispersed with a grass patches and dirt piles (Figure 5, Project Site Existing Conditions). As shown <br />in Figure 5, a chain-link fence surrounds the project site perimeter. Approximately iotrees are dispersed <br />outside the chain-link fence along the western, southern, and eastern borders of the project site. <br />'Referred to as parcel ifor clarity in this document only. <br />