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Phase 3 — Parking Strategy Implementation —Second Priority <br />• Identify technology that can support a zone -based structure. <br />• Establish the policies and parameters that will allow the City to implement this approach to <br />managing time -restricted parking on streets and in off-street public. <br />• Establish performance measures to identify when the City should consider applying these types of <br />changes and Dixon will recommend signage, outreach, and enforcement technology to support this <br />model if adopted. <br />• Work with Finance Department and a multi -departmental staff team to develop a strategy to <br />restructure the City's parking fund to ensure long-term solvency, accurate tracking of parking - <br />related costs (labor and materials) and parking revenues. <br />• Collaborate with the City to develop a long-term strategy and smart parking technology roadmap <br />that includes a high-level estimate of cost to implement, support ongoing maintenance and <br />potential revenue impacts. <br />Phase 4 — Ongoing Management of the Downtown Parking Strategy <br />• Ensure that vendor equipment is performing as promised and that the systems are accountable <br />and being maintained and reconciled as required. <br />• Ensure that all operational initiatives focus on improving customer services and the overall <br />functionality of the parking operation. <br />• Ongoing assessment of the overall parking programs, including enforcement, maintenance, <br />collection and parking revenue reconciliation. <br />• Provide a monthly performance summary report that shows trend analysis and data comparisons <br />that will allow for the identification of performance gaps, revenue variance and utilization concerns. <br />• Serve as a point of contact for members of the public and the press to address questions about the <br />parking program and respond to complaints including supporting enforcement with administrative <br />request issues. <br />