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iii) A description of any hazardous materials used, including volatile <br />solvents or gases used for extracting, and their storage methods; <br />iv) A description of security measures, including physical and procedural <br />measures taken to secure the facility, inventory, and employees; <br />v) A description of measures taken to control or destroy unsold or <br />damaged inventory and cannabis waste; <br />vi) The anticipated gross annual revenue from all sales of products <br />manufactured at the manufacturing premises; <br />vii) A list of State licensed transportation and distribution providers serving <br />the facility, if known; <br />viii)Anticipated number and frequency of deliveries serving the facility; <br />ix) Any other pertinent information involving the operation of the facility. <br />d) Three (3) copies of a Title Report for the subject property prepared within three <br />months of the time of application. <br />e) Ten (10) full size sets (ARCH D or ANSI D) and fifteen (15) half size sets (ARCH <br />B or ANSI B) of Project Plans drawn to scale, prepared and stamped by a <br />licensed architect and/or civil engineer. Site Plans shall be submitted bound, <br />rolled, or folded. The plans shall include pages of the following: <br />1) Existing and Proposed Site Plan. Show, label, and dimension the property <br />lines, sidewalks, curbs, all structures with a roof, the outline of buildings, <br />ingress and egress points, paving, parking, walls/fences, trash enclosures, <br />adjacent buildings, and contours (where relevant). <br />2) Stormwater Control Plans (C.3). Provide Stormwater Control Plans for the <br />project site in accord with Alameda County's Clean Water Program <br />technical guidance. Plans shall be prepared by a licensed civil engineer. <br />3) Conceptual Landscaping Plans. Identify existing and proposed landscaping <br />for the project site, including all tree, shrub, and groundcover species and <br />materials, plant sizes, and water use calculations in accord with the State <br />of California's Model Water Efficient Landscaping Ordinance. Conceptual <br />landscaping plans shall be prepared by a licensed landscape architect. <br />4) Existing and Proposed Floor Plans. A scaled diagram of the premises to be <br />permitted, showing boundaries, dimensions, entrances and exits, interior <br />Resolution Exhibit A, Page 3 of 5 <br />