<br /> (a) Ifu 'udicial order mAdministrative Order authorizes the City to abate opublic
<br /> nuisance, the city official responsible for such abatement shall keep an accounting of the cost of
<br /> abatement along with any other recoverable costs. The accounting shall besubmitted tothe
<br /> Finance Director for inclusion in the annual report prepared by the Finance Director for the City
<br /> Council. At least ten (10) days prior to the submission of the report to the City Council, a copy of
<br /> the report and notice shall be mailed to the responsible party and/or to the owner of the property
<br /> where the nuisance existed, ifthe nuisance concerns real property, a1the address shown for such
<br /> owner on the last tax roll.
<br /> (b) At the time and place fixed for receiving and�Onsidering the report required by
<br /> subsection (a), the City Council shall hear any objection8, bythe responsible party or property
<br /> owner against whom such cost are being charged o r ag i ainst who§e p roperty an abatement lien or
<br /> special assessment may be imposed for such costs.'After considering the report and any
<br /> objections thereto, the City Council may make stich modifications to the report as it deems
<br /> appropriate, after which the report shall be conPf�fned by resolution or order.
<br /> (c) Any penalty imposed for violations ofthis C6d6, including any other codes or
<br /> statutes that have been incorporated in�6�tbis Code, any,4dininistrative costs or other expenses of
<br /> d with the'
<br /> enforcement, and the cost or expense�;associa,te iihatement of a public nuisance that are
<br /> levied in accordance with this Chapter, 6 le"'If Vied
<br /> judicially or administratively,
<br /> may be enforced by the recordation of a lien, again4 I the,properiyloflthe owner of the real
<br /> property where the nuisari6e,66ndition existed. Any lien shall be recorded in the Office of
<br /> d f recording shall have the force,
<br /> the County Recorder for Alameda'County, and,,.fiotnthe ate 6
<br /> effect, and priority of a Judgment lien. A lien a6th"
<br /> J orized by this section shall specify the amount
<br /> of the lien, that the lien 1,��being irn 'sed on behaif,of the City of San Leandro, the date of the
<br /> po
<br /> abaternent order, the street address,-1441 descriptioRand assessor's parcel number of the parcel
<br /> on which th��Iien i's imppsed,'aiq'1d,4h' e narne 4'ridaddr6ss of the recorded owner of the parcel.
<br /> (d) Bel-brerec6idatio o ,,a lien aUtho'd:zed by this section, a notice of lien shall be
<br /> served on the responsible party,,,and/or pwper of record of the parcel of land on which the
<br /> nuisance exi,steq, based on the' ,Jast equalized assessment roll or the supplemental roll, whichever
<br /> is more current. The notice of liqrt�shall be served in the same manner as a summons in a civil
<br /> action. If the owner,Of record cannot be found, after a diligent search, the notice of lien may be
<br /> served by posting a copy thereof,in a conspicuous place upon the property for a period of ten
<br /> (10) days and publication thereof in a newspaper of general circulation published in Alameda
<br /> County, California.
<br /> (n) Any fee imposed on the City by the County Recorder for costs of processing and
<br /> recording the lien and the cost of providing notice to the property owner in the manner described
<br /> herein may be recovered from the property owner in any foreclosure action to enforce the lien
<br /> after recordation.
<br /> /A As an alternative to the lien procedure described in subsection (c), above, any
<br /> penalty imposed for violations ofthis Code, including any other codes o{statutes that have been
<br /> incorporated into this Code, any administrative costs or other expenses of enforcement, and the
<br />