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Any Enforcement Officer shall have the authority to gaincompliance with all provisions <br /> of this Code. These powers include the power to issue o notice of violation and administrative <br /> penalties, oudescribed below inSections and the power toinspect public and <br /> private property, and to seek and employ whatever remedies are available under this Code. <br /> 1-12-410 NOTICE OF VIOLATION. <br /> (a) Subject to subsection (o)` bc/nvv, whenever an Enforcement Officer finds that n <br /> provision ofthis Code has been violated, including but not limited to ofailure tocomply with o <br /> condition imposed by any agreement, entitlement,permit, license or environmental document <br /> issued or approvedbbehalf f the Cityfailure to comply with any County, State or <br /> Federal laws the violation of which constitutes a public nuisance, And such officer determines to <br /> pursue administrative enforcement of the violation pursuarit,46,ihis Chapter, he or she shall issue <br /> the responsible party a written notice of the violation providin' k that the City will abate the <br /> violation and providing the responsible patty with an opportunity to appeal the notice of <br /> violation and show cause at a hearing as to why such pondition sh,61uld not be abated by the City <br /> at the responsibly party's expense ("notice of vioWion"). Failure to appeal pursuant to Section I- <br /> 12-425 of this Chapter constitutes a waiver of ihe!"i'ight to appeal the notiee of violation and a <br /> failure to exhaust administrative remedies. Suchn"6tice of violation shall 156'served on the <br /> Responsible party in the manner described in subseet!'on (b)�,'below. The Enf6r6ernent Officer <br /> shall include in the notice of violatio I nihe following in�fbttrri4fion: <br /> (1) The date and location ofihe"A�61qtion, including,the address or other definite <br /> description of the location where the vi6lAtilon occurred, or is 666tirring; <br /> (2) The sections,'of ihe,,Code being violate, And'a description of each such violation; <br /> the violatio 6 and the period of time during <br /> (3) Actions required to'eorrect or ai*- <br /> which such required actions shall bo'commenced4nd completed, such period of time to be <br /> determined in thelmanner set,forth'in'subsection Oj,below. <br /> (4) A statement that the.failure to'cOrrqQt 'and abate the violation, wil I result in the <br /> Enforcement Officer ordering the violation or violations abated, and ordering that the responsible <br /> party bear the costs of such Abatement including all administrative costs incurred by the City. <br /> (5) An order prohibiltitig the continuation or repeated occurrence of a violation of this <br /> Code described in the notice of violation. <br /> (6) A statetnei,i t,that the responsible party may appeal the notice of violation by filing <br /> with the City Clerk, on the form provided for that purpose, a request for hearing within fifteen <br /> (15) calendar days of the date the notice of violation is served that includes the following <br /> information: <br /> (i) If the responsible party appeals the notice of violation, the responsible party may <br /> appear before the Hearing Body and show cause why the violations and conditions upccifiodiu <br /> the notice ofviolation should not boabated bythe City o1the responsible party's expense. <br /> (i i) Upon failure to appear for the hearing, or the failure to correct and abate u <br /> condition which is determined to constitute a violation, the Hearing Body may order the <br />