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(b) Administrative penalties shall be issued on forms approved by the City Attorney. <br /> Each penalty shall indicate, at a minimum, the following information: <br /> (1) The name of the person or entity to whom the penalty is issued. <br /> (2) The address or location where the violation is observed. <br /> (3) The section of this Code that is being violated. <br /> (4) The date by which an appeal of the penalty must be sought before the penalty <br /> becomes final. <br /> (5) The procedure for seeking an appeal of the penalty. <br /> (6) The amount of the administrative penalty to be'itmposed for each violation up to a <br /> maximum penalty of One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150.00) for a first violation, Three Hundred <br /> Dollars ($300.00) for a second violation of the same ordinance within one year, and Six Hundred <br /> Dollars ($600.00) for each additional violation within one year, and the first day that any such <br /> penalty will be imposed. <br /> (7) The manner of payment of the administrative penalty. <br /> (8) If the violation pertains to building, electrieal, or other similar structural or zoning <br /> issues where the violation does not cre'te an imi�iate threat",to„health or safety, the responsible <br /> party shall be provided not less than ten ( 0) calend6r,days in whicl2,to correct, abate, or <br /> otherwise remedy the violation before a penalty is imo sed, <br /> (c) Servicc ofthe penalty shall be tade,upon the responsible party or the owner, <br /> personally or by First Class U.S. Mi], with Certificate of Mailing, and if by such mail to the <br /> owner it shall be sent to the last known,address listed on the most recent tax assessor's records. <br /> In the case of personal servicex service shalLbe deem1pd complete at the time of such delivery. In <br /> the case ofservice by First Class U.S. Mail, service shall be deemed complete at the time of <br /> deposit into the United States mail. Where service is by First Class U.S. Mail upon the owner, a <br /> copy of the penalty shall be conspicuously posted at the affected property. The failure of any <br /> person to receive a copy of the penalty that was sent via First Class U.S. Mail shall not affect the <br /> validity of any enforcement proceedings under this Chapter. <br /> (d) The payment of a penalty by or on behalf of any responsible party shall not <br /> relieve such party from the responsibility of correcting, removing or abating the violation, nor <br /> prevent further proceed ings,uhder this Chapter or any other lawful authority to achieve the <br /> enforced correction, removalor abatement of the violation. <br /> (e) A responsible party may appeal the imposition of any penalty or the amount of <br /> such penalty by filing a request for hearing form in accordance with the provisions of Section 4- <br /> 12-425 of this Chapter. <br /> (f) Each and every day during any portion of which any violation is committed, <br /> continued, or permitted shall be deemed a separate and distinct violation. A penalty may <br /> continue to accrue on a daily basis until the violation is corrected, up to a maximum amount of <br /> Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00). <br />