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ORDER NO.: 0147020398 <br />EXHIBIT A <br />The land referred to is situated in the County of Alameda, City of San Leandro, State of <br />California, and is described as follows: <br />A CONDOMINIUM COMPRISED OF: <br />PARCEL ONE: <br />Unit 700-4, as shown on that certain Condominium Plan attached as Exhibit "A" to the <br />Declaration of Restrictions, recorded February 28, 2007, Series No. 2007-88505, Official <br />Records. <br />PARCEL TWO: <br />An undivided 1/12 interest, as a tenant in common, in and to the Building Common Area lying <br />within Building 700, as shown on said Condominium Plan and being more particularly defined in <br />the Declaration of Restrictions recorded February 28, 2007, Series No. 2007-88505, Official <br />Records, lying within Lot 1, Tract 7791, filed February 28, 2007, in Map Book 295, Pages 54 and <br />55, Alameda County Records. <br />EXCEPTING AND RESERVING FROM PARCEL TWO: <br />1. Units 700-1 through 700-12, inclusive, as shown on said Condominium Plan, referred to <br />above. <br />2. The exclusive right to use all those areas designated as Patio on said Condominium Plan <br />referred to above. <br />PARCEL THREE: <br />The exclusive right to use that portion of Lot 1, described in Parcel Two, above, designated as <br />Patio "PT -700-4" and Carport "CP -5", on the Condominium Plan, attached as Exhibit "A" to the <br />Declaration of Restrictions, recorded February 28, 2007, Series No. 2007-88505, Official <br />Records, as an appurtenance to Parcels One and Two, above. <br />APN : 080G-1287-032 <br />Page 1 of 1 <br />