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Mortgagee's deed of trust and shall not impair the rights of the Institutional Mortgagee, or such <br />Institutional Mortgagee's assignee or successor in interest, to exercise its remedies under the <br />Institutional Mortgagee deed of trust in the event of default under the Institutional Mortgagee deed <br />of trust by the Owner. Such remedies under the Institutional Mortgagee deed of trust include the <br />right of foreclosure (judicial or non -judicial) or acceptance of a deed or assignment in lieu of <br />foreclosure. The exercise of these remedies does not in any manner trigger the City's Option <br />Rights and the City is not entitled to any proceeds from any sale or transfer of the Property. After <br />such foreclosure or acceptance of a deed in lieu of foreclosure, this Deed of Trust, and the Resale <br />Restrictions and Option to Purchase shall be forever terminated and shall have no further effect as <br />to the Property or any transferee thereafter. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have entered into this Deed of Trust as of the date <br />first written above. <br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRO, a municipal <br />corporation: <br />By: Chris aaata By: Jeff Kay <br />Its: City Manager Asst. City Manager <br />Date: <br />OWNER(S): <br />61ZA,t <br />NamdAgchaelBogdoa M. Bondoc <br />Date: U7 - 6 3 - 11 <br />Name: WligrosNlatft//E/./ <br />Mila s E Malicdem <br />Date: U % <br />ALL SIGNATURES MUST BE NOTARIZED <br />W LFA\53530\ 1235331.3 <br />Performance Deed of Tn t <br />