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File Number: 17-512 <br />Policy T-3.6 Pedestrian Environment. Improve the walkability of all streets in San Leandro <br />through the planning, implementing, and maintaining of pedestrian supportive infrastructure. <br />Environmental Review <br />This project qualifies for a statutory exemption from the California Environmental Quality Act <br />(CEQA) per California Public Resources Code Section 21083 and CEQA Guideline Section <br />15262 “Feasibility and Planning Studies”. <br />Summary of Public Outreach Efforts <br />The planning of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan Update was presented to the general <br />public through the BPAC meetings on November 17, 2015, and April 27, 2016. <br />Three meetings of the Council-Appointed BPAC, including two open house events, have been <br />conducted since November 2016 to solicit input from the public. An online survey has also been <br />conducted to collect data on current bicycle and pedestrian behaviors, perceptions and needs. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />Not Applicable <br />Budget Authority <br />Not Applicable <br />ATTACHMENT(S) <br />·Presentation of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan <br />PREPARED BY: Reh-Lin N. Chen, Senior Transportation Engineer, Engineering and <br />Transportation Department <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 9/6/2017