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5A Public Hearings 2017 0918
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Packet 2017 0918
5A Public Hearings 2017 0918
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9/12/2017 3:43:51 PM
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9/12/2017 3:43:49 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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CAPER 3 <br />OMB Control No: 2506‐0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) <br /> <br />Assess how the jurisdiction’s use of funds, particularly CDBG, addresses the priorities and <br />specific objectives identified in the plan, giving special attention to the highest priority <br />activities identified. <br />Table 1 shows the programs funded by CDBG for FY 2016‐2017. The City’s CDBG program is summarized <br />in this matrix by goals set in the City’s Five Year Consolidated Plan. Those goals and their respective <br />categories were informed by a needs analysis conducted for the five year plan and prioritized by the <br />type of housing or community development need. The matrix also contains information on the funding <br />sources and amounts, goal outcome indicators, units of measure for tracking outcomes, expected vs. <br />actual strategic plan goals. <br />Objective: Provide Decent Housing <br />Priority/Action: Affordable Housing Needs/Preserve existing affordable rental and ownership housing for <br />households at or below 80% Area Median Income. <br />Housing Rehabilitation Program (activity #8): In FY 2016‐2017, the City experienced a brief hiatus in the <br />Housing Rehabilitation Program provided by Neighborhood Solutions. Neighborhood Solutions provided <br />this service in San Leandro since 2003 and in this FY decided to resign from providing these services to <br />the City. City staff released an RFP and secured a new service provider for this program for FY 2017‐18. <br />The goal of San Leandro’s housing rehabilitation program is to make homes safe and livable for low‐ <br />income homeowners. The new provider for this service is Rebuilding Together Oakland / East Bay — <br />approved by the City Council in Spring 2017 — to provide this needed service. Given this change in <br />service provider, there were only four housing rehabilitation grants allocated. All of these housing <br />rehabilitation grants were from the minor home repair grant program including one mobile home repair. <br />A total of two of the grants were for seniors. This program assists the City to preserve existing <br />affordable ownership housing for low‐ and moderate‐income households. <br />Objective: Provide a Suitable Living Environment <br />Priority/Action: Affordable Housing Needs/Reduce housing discrimination. <br />Eden Council for Hope and Opportunity Housing (ECHO Housing) (activity #3): In FY 2016‐2017, the City <br />continued to contract with ECHO Housing, a regional non‐profit fair housing agency, to provide fair <br />housing services in an effort to reduce housing discrimination. ECHO Housing received 23 fair housing <br />inquiries involving 45 clients, in which ECHO Housing provided information, counseling, and/or <br />investigation in fair housing inquiries or allegations of housing discrimination. ECHO Housing also <br />educated people about fair housing laws, rights, and responsibilities through workshops, trainings, and <br />presentations. The City allocates CDBG general administration funds, not public services funds, to ECHO <br />Housing's fair housing services.
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