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File Number: 17-471 <br />This project will replace the outdated equipment in both rooms with up-to-date systems that will <br />allow both City staff and the public the ability to use these facilities for AV presentations using <br />current media devices. These improvements will bring these systems to par with similar facilities <br />in nearby cities and will also allow for the integration of current technology. <br />The completed project is envisioned to incorporate provisions at both sites for the following: <br />·Wall or ceiling-mounted overhead projectors and screens <br />·Support for a wide variety of current media inputs, including both high and low <br />resolution data streams <br />·New speakers and audio system with ADA compliant assisted listening devices <br />·Multiple wireless microphones with mixing capability for up to eight speakers <br />·Wall-mounted touch panel control displays with customizable menus <br />·Ability to play AV content from cable, internet, computer or DVD inputs <br />·Ancillary lighting and electrical work required to accommodate the above <br />improvements <br />·Operation of each half of the Karp/Estudillo meeting room separately or as once <br />space. <br />In addition, the following items will be designed as bid alternates and constructed if bids fall within <br />the project budget. <br />·Installation of acoustical panels in the Titan Auditorium to dampen echoes <br />·Installation of window blackout shades in the Karp/Estudillo rooms for better <br />visibility <br />Because of the similar nature of both projects, staff recommends merging the design and <br />construction of both projects into one design services contract. In addition, staff believes that the <br />City will derive construction costs savings from combining the projects. <br />Analysis <br />On November 17, 2016, the City entered into a consultant services agreement with Media <br />Support Associates in the amount of $48,257 to provide design services for both sites. This <br />contract was not awarded by the City Council since the value was below the $50,000 threshold for <br />City Manager approval. <br />During the design phase of this project, staff identified that Public, Educational, and Government <br />access (PEG) funds could be used to fund an expansion of the project to allow for the broadcast <br />of public meetings. Specifically, equipment can be added to record stage presentations using <br />several fixed camera and sound streams for broadcast on cable television using the existing <br />facilities at City Hall Council Chambers. Audio and video streams will be saved digitally for future <br />mixing, editing, and broadcast without the need for a real-time operator during the event. <br />Cameras are proposed for both the Estudillo / Karp room and the Carnegie Lecture Hall. <br />In order to accommodate the new camera, other existing AV equipment in the Carnegie Lecture <br />Hall will also be replaced with units that meet current standards. This equipment upgrade is also <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 9/12/2017