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ALAMEDA CTC AXX-XXX <br />1 of 3 <br /> <br />MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT <br />between <br />ALAMEDA COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION <br />and the <br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />for the <br />I-880 / DAVIS STREET INTERCHANGE LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS <br /> <br />This Memorandum of Agreement (“AGREEMENT”), dated for reference purposes only as of October <br />6, 2017, is by and between ALAMEDA COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION, a joint powers agency <br />(“ALAMEDA CTC”), and the CITY OF SAN LEANDRO (“COSL”), a public agency. <br />RECITALS <br />WHEREAS, ALAMEDA CTC and COSL (“PARTIES”) entered into a Memorandum of <br />Understanding (“MOU”), A11-0061, on 07/21/2011 with amendment on 10/23/2014 to coordinate <br />activities and responsibilities involving the Davis Street Interchange Improvement Project, the I-880 <br />Southbound HOV Lane project, and the major improvements at the I-880/Davis Street Interchange and the <br />I-880/Marina Boulevard Interchange together referred to herein as “COMPLETED PROJECT”, in order to <br />provide an enhanced experience for motorists that travel the I-880 corridor and to reduce the disruption of <br />traffic and inconvenience to residents of San Leandro and Alameda County; <br /> WHEREAS, COSL desires to implement landscape improvements at the Davis Interchange location <br />with a focus on replacing trees removed during construction of COMPLETED PROJECT, and other necessary <br />improvements (together, “PROJECT”); <br />WHEREAS, COSL has identified $674,940 in project funding towards the delivery of the PROJECT; <br />WHEREAS, ALAMEDA CTC agrees to design and construct the PROJECT; and <br />WHEREAS, this AGREEMENT was authorized by the governing body of the COSL City Council at <br />its September 18, 2017 meeting; <br />NOW THEREFORE, the PARTIES mutually understand and agree to the following: <br />SECTION I <br />INTRODUCTION <br />1.1 The Recitals above are true, correct and made a part hereof. <br />1.2 This AGREEMENT shall be legally binding on the PARTIES, and by executing the same, each <br />PARTY hereby acknowledges that its governing body has given all approvals necessary therefor. <br />1.3 Except as amended hereby, all terms and conditions of the AGREEMENT will remain in full <br />force and effect.