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September 18, 2017City Council Minutes - Draft <br />City Councilmembers report on attendance at intergovernmental agency meetings, <br />conferences, and seminars since the last meeting. <br />CITY COUNCIL CALENDAR AND ANNOUNCEMENTS13. <br />City Councilmembers announce calendar of upcoming events and coordinate <br />attendance; report on local events attended since the last meeting; and make brief <br />comments on issues of concern. <br />COUNCIL REQUESTS TO SCHEDULE AGENDA ITEMS14. <br />By consensus, the City Council agreed to schedule the following items: 1) Research a <br />long-term growth development plan for SLPD in response to the growing population, <br />and 2) Review and amend the City's ordinance to provide for an independent party to <br />review property complaints that involve City Council, staff or Board and Commission <br />members <br />ADJOURN15. <br />The meeting was adjourned at 10:02 p.m. <br />MEETING ACCESSIBILITY <br />Page 7City of San Leandro <br />39