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EXHIBIT D <br /> PROVISIONS REQUIRED FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTS <br /> PURSUANT TO CALIFORNIA LABOR CODE SECTION 1720 ET SEQ. <br /> HOURS OF WORK: <br /> A. In accordance with California Labor Code Section 1810, 8 hours of labor in performance of the <br /> services described in Exhibit A shall constitute a legal day's work under this contract. <br /> B. In accordance with California Labor Code Section 1811, the time of service of any worker <br /> employed in performance of the services described in Exhibit A is limited to 8 hours during any <br /> one calendar day, and 40 hours during any one calendar week, except in accordance with <br /> California Labor Code Section 1815, which provides that work in excess of 8 hours during any <br /> one calendar day and 40 hours during any one calendar week is permitted upon compensation <br /> for all hours worked in excess of 8 hours during any one calendar day and 40 hours during any <br /> one calendar week at not less than one-and-one-half times the basic rate of pay. <br /> C. The Consultant and its subcontractors shall forfeit as a penalty to the City$25 for each worker <br /> employed in the performance of the services described in Exhibit A for each calendar day during <br /> which the worker is required or permitted to work more than 8 hours in any one calendar day, or <br /> more than 40 hours in any one calendar week, in violation of the provisions of California Labor <br /> Code Section 1810 and following. <br /> WAGES: <br /> A. In accordance with California Labor Code Section 1773.2, the City has determined the general <br /> prevailing wages in the locality in which the services described in Exhibit A are to be performed <br /> for each craft or type of work needed to be as published by the State of California Department of <br /> Industrial Relations, Division of Labor Statistics and Research, a copy of which is on file in the <br /> City Public Works Office and shall be made available on request. The Consultant and <br /> subcontractors engaged in the performance of the services described in Exhibit A shall pay no <br /> less than these rates to all persons engaged in performance of the services described in Exhibit <br /> A. <br /> B. In accordance with California Labor Code Section 1775, the Consultant and any subcontractors <br /> engaged in performance of the services described in Exhibit A shall comply with California Labor <br /> Code Section 1775, which establishes a penalty for each worker engaged in the performance of <br /> the services described in Exhibit A that the Consultant or any subcontractor pays less than the <br /> specified prevailing wage. The amount of such penalty shall be determined by the Labor <br /> Commissioner and shall be based on consideration of the mistake, inadvertence, or neglect of <br /> the Consultant or subcontractor in failing to pay the correct rate of prevailing wages, or the <br /> previous record of the Consultant or subcontractor in meeting applicable prevailing wage <br /> obligations, or the willful failure by the Consultant or subcontractor to pay the correct rates of <br /> prevailing wages. A mistake, inadvertence, or neglect in failing to pay the correct rate of <br /> Consulting Services Agreement between City of San Leandro and 7/19/2017 <br /> Accurate Land Solutions for On-Call Land Surveying Consulting Services Exhibit Dā€” Page 1 of 3 <br />