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File Number: 17-571 <br />The Police Department plans to deliver deeper analysis of crime trends and performance metrics <br />this year. The Police Department has a stand-alone software program that allows investigators, <br />managers, and other staff to search police records. That software program will no longer work <br />properly or may stop functioning entirely at the next system upgrade scheduled for December <br />2017. This technology currently serves as the database foundation of all crime and intelligence <br />analysis and business analytics. Funding this project will help to advance City Council Goal “B” <br />by warehousing raw data to be made available for a citywide analytics dashboard. The <br />department will bring the final project proposal to the City Council for approval, especially given <br />the project’s funding may include federal grant money as well. Appropriating this funding now will <br />begin the procurement process to search out possible vendors that satisfy stakeholder needs. <br />Not funding these projects will jeopardize operational continuity for the Police Department and <br />place a burden on the General Fund this budget cycle and the next. <br />Fiscal Impact and Budget Authority <br />There is no fiscal impact to the General Fund with this request. These are restricted funds with <br />specific legal requirements for appropriation. The Police Department is required to spend the <br />money in a way that advances public safety. These projects all comply with that funding <br />requirement. <br />The Police Department requests a total appropriation of $211,000 from SLESF (“Frontline”) Fund <br />Balance into the following accounts: <br />1. $85,000 into account #150-21-011-5120 (records software, wellness) <br />2. $50,000 into account #150-21-011-6270 (vests) <br />3. $40,000 into account #150-21-011-6290 (container, K9 unit) <br />4. $30,000 into account #150-21-011-5890 (Jail van) <br />5. $6,000 into account #150-21-011-5510 (CISM) <br />This appropriation will provide the Police Department with the funding needed to complete these <br />projects as planned in Fiscal Year 2017-18. <br />PREPARED BY: Scott Koll, Police Business Manager <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 10/10/2017 <br />62