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8L Consent Calendar 2017 1016
City Clerk
City Council
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Packet 2017 1016
8L Consent Calendar 2017 1016
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10/11/2017 3:54:57 PM
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File Number: 17-596 <br />economic agenda for local governments by using digital platforms. We believe that, by itself, <br />technology will not solve the challenges facing cities around the world. We believe that we need a <br />shared collaborative framework between residents, the public and private sector to drive the <br />desired outcome of sustainability, inclusivity and targeted innovation that benefits cities and their <br />residents. <br />By understanding, adapting and applying platform business model principles, cities can become <br />regional or global knowledge hubs and innovation centers. Cities that do this will become better <br />places to live and be better equipped to manage urban challenges - with more insight, precision <br />and transparency. They will attract talent, create jobs and unleash innovation. <br />By signing this Manifesto, we are committed to drive this future by adhering to the following <br />principles when deploying city platforms managing the vast reservoir of data offered by sensor <br />networks, enterprises, city agencies and residents: <br />1. City platforms must enable services that improve the quality of life in cities; benefitting <br />residents, the environment, and helping to bridge the digital divide <br />2. City platforms must bring together both public and private stakeholders in digital <br />ecosystems <br />3. City platforms must support sharing economy principles and the circular economy <br />agenda <br />4. City platforms must provide ways for local start-ups and businesses to innovate and <br />thrive <br />5. City platforms must enforce the privacy and security of confidential data <br />6. City platforms must inform political decisions and offer mechanisms for residents to <br />make their voices heard <br />7. City platforms must involve the local government in their governance and curation, and <br />are built and managed by the most competent and merited organizations <br />8. City platforms must be based on open standards, industry best practices and open <br />APIs to facilitate a vendor neutral approach, with industry agreed architecture models <br />(see below for examples) <br />9. City platforms must support a common approach to federation of data or services <br />between cities, making it possible for cities of all sizes to take part in the growing data <br />economy <br />10. City platforms must support the principles of UN Sustainable Development Goal 11: <br />Making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. <br />This Manifesto supports the use of Open APIs and common standards, such as those supported <br />by the European Commission’s Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) and TM Forum, which offer a <br />direct path to creating an open, flexible and interoperable city platform model. <br />*** <br />By approving the attached resolution, the City Council will direct staff to sign the Manifesto on <br />behalf of the City. <br />ATTACHMENT(S) <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 10/10/2017 <br />171
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