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File Number: 17-609 <br />dispensary operating permit is not effective until the permit has received all other permits and <br />approvals required by the City’s ordinances, rules and regulations, including but not limited to any <br />conditional use permit and building permit. The applicant was unable to secure approval of a <br />Conditional Use Permit within 12 months of the issuance of the dispensary operating permit, <br />which was a condition of approval for the medical cannabis dispensary operating permit. <br />On July 17, 2017, the City Council approved a motion to grant an extension of the permit until <br />October 20. The permit is due for a City Council review prior to that date. <br />On October 5, 2017, the BZA voted to direct staff to return on November 2, 2017 with a resolution, <br />findings of fact, CEQA findings, and conditions of approval to approve the Conditional Use <br />Permit for the Davis Street Wellness Center at the location proposed by the applicant. Based on <br />this schedule, the applicant will be unable to meet the City Council’s extended deadline to secure <br />a Conditional Use Permit. <br />RECOMMENDATION <br />The City Council should review the dispensary operating permit award and provide direction to <br />staff regarding next steps. <br />Should Council elect to grant an extension, staff advises that extending the operating permit until <br />January 19, 2018 will offer sufficient time for the BZA hearing and the resolution of any potential <br />appeals that could arise. <br />PREPARED BY: Jeff Kay, Assistant City Manager, City Manager’s Office <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 10/10/2017 <br />209