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File Number: 17-540 <br />flooring and painting were also discussed at this meeting; both additions were <br />viewed as important and appropriate changes to incorporate into the project. <br />·The project was also presented to the San Leandro Library and Historical <br />Commission on July 19, 2016. The Commission reviewed the two patterns <br />presented to the City Council Facilities Committee and recommended to staff the <br />carpet pattern to be used for the project. <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />·CSF-3.3; Adequate Funding: Ensure that library funding remains adequate to <br />sustain or increase existing service levels, including staffing, programming, and <br />technology upgrades. Maintain or exceed American Library Association standards <br />throughout the City’s library system. <br />·CSF-3.4; Library as Neighborhood Centers: Promote programs and events that <br />affirm the role of the City’s libraries as community and neighborhood gathering <br />places and that reflect the City’s diverse population. <br />·CSF-3.5; Resources for Self-Improvement: Ensure that San Leandro’s libraries and <br />other community institutions provide a setting for the open exchange of ideas and <br />information and provide an opportunity for residents of all backgrounds to improve <br />their skills and knowledge. <br />Environmental Review <br />A categorical exemption form CEQA per Section 153019(c) for ‘Existing Facilities’ was <br />filed with Alameda County Recorder’s Office for this project on October 2, 2015. <br />Summary of Public Outreach Efforts <br />·The project is described on the Engineering and Transportation Department <br />website. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />Total project cost is estimated to be $606,000 as follows: <br />Design and Bidding $ 4,000 <br />Construction management and inspection $ 6,433 <br />Sub Total (Design, CM, and inspection)$ 10,433 <br />Construction $517,885 <br />Construction Change Order allowance (15%)$ 77,682 <br />Sub Total Construction $595,567 <br />Project Total $606,000 <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 10/30/2017 <br />29