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File Number: 17-575 <br />Police Department Range Upgrade Project <br />2016-17 appropriation $ 0 <br />2017-18 appropriation $ 0 <br />2018-19 appropriation $ 560,000 <br />Total appropriation $ 560,000 <br />Police Building and South Office Modification: <br />2015-16 appropriation $ 208,000 <br />2016-17 appropriation $2,116,983 <br />2017-18 appropriation $ 0 <br />2018-19 appropriation $5,000,000 <br />Total appropriation $7,324,983 <br />Analysis <br />The remaining two shooting lanes will not be usable soon without proper maintenance, and that <br />would cause the Police Department to send staff offsite for firearm certification. Offsite firearm <br />certification is less efficient than onsite certification, since they have to be scheduled around other <br />training sessions at a shared offsite facility. More importantly, there will be significant overtime <br />costs to have over ninety officers travel to an offsite range for certification in lieu of having the <br />same training done at the Public Safety Building. As a result, the Police Department has asked <br />that the range be repaired as soon as possible. <br />The Police Department Range Upgrade Project is currently scheduled to be funded in fiscal year <br />(FY) 2018-19. This funding can be moved to an earlier year without impact to the budget <br />provided that an identical amount of funding for the Police Building and South Office Modification <br />Project is deferred. The proposed deferral will have no impact on the schedule for the Police <br />Building and South Office Modification Project. <br /> Current Agency Policies <br />·Provide quality public safety service and grow our partnership with the community to keep San <br />Leandro safe <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />·Goal CSF-1: Provide and maintain high-quality police, fire, and emergency medical services <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />Approval of this action will not change overall capital expenditures for FY 2017-18 or FY 2018-19. <br />Budget Authority <br />The San Leandro Municipal Code allows CIP appropriations to automatically carryforward for five <br />years. Funds in account 210-18-144 are advanced to FY 16-17 and then carried-forward to <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 10/30/2017 <br />33