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File Number: 17-623 <br />to assemble the entirety of the block bounded by East 14th Street, Davis Street and Hays Street <br />(now known as Dan Niemi Way). The six Successor Agency- and City-owned properties <br />comprise just over half an acre (0.68 acre). The entire Town Hall Square site is approximately 1.5 <br />acres. See attached map. <br />The property at 290 Davis Street was acquired in 2004 for $500,000 and the building was <br />subsequently demolished. The three other RDA owned parcels were also acquired in 2004 as <br />part of one transaction for $735,000. The building at 1199 East 14th Street has been vacant for <br />more than ten years and is in poor condition and assumed to have no value at this time. 262 <br />Davis Street, the City owned parcel, was acquired from the San Leandro Chamber of Commerce <br />as part of an exchange for title to an office condominium in the Estudillo parking garage in <br />Downtown San Leandro. The transaction was finalized in 2012 with the opening of the garage. <br />Over the years, the RDA established Exclusive Negotiating Agreements with several developers <br />for the development of Town Hall Square. These agreements expired due to the difficulty of <br />purchasing neighboring properties and the economic downturn. The three additional properties <br />located in the Town Hall Square area, include: <br />·1145 East 14th Street (APN: 075-0001-003-00) <br />o White building where Union Bank is located, owned by PSK Development <br />·234 Davis Street (APN: 075-0001-007-02) <br />o Parking lot to the rear of Union Bank building, owned by Union Bank <br />·1117 East 14th Street (APN: 075-001-002-02) <br />o Chevron Gas Station, owned by Chevron USA Inc. <br />In the City’s 2007 Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Strategy the properties were identified as <br />a strategic development opportunity site. Additionally, the Redevelopment Agency’s 2010-2014 <br />Implementation Plan includes a goal to redevelop the properties to “continue assisting with land <br />assembly and design to redevelop Town Hall Square, the underutilized block bounded by Hays, <br />Davis, and East 14th Streets in the downtown core.” Such a project has the potential to build upon <br />additional new development in Downtown San Leandro and to positively impact the greater area. <br />The properties at the Town Hall Square site are among 22 properties that were owned by the <br />Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Leandro at the time of its dissolution in February 2012 <br />(as required by ABx1 26, amended by AB 1484 and SB 107). Pursuant to the redevelopment <br />dissolution statutes, ownership of these properties transferred to the Successor Agency to the <br />Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Leandro (“Successor Agency”). The City of San <br />Leandro serves as the Successor Agency, with the City Council acting as the Board of Directors. <br />The Successor Agency is now responsible for disposition of properties owned by the RDA. On <br />December 30, 2015, the California Department of Finance approved the Successor Agency’s <br />Long Range Property Management Plan, which is the guiding document for transferring or selling <br />the real property assets that were owned by the RDA. <br />Analysis <br />Request for Proposals <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 10/30/2017 <br />136