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flats with appropriate spacing for coverage. Said plans shall include details such as: 1)shrub and <br /> groundcover size, species and location; 2) irrigation details; 3) water conservation techniques; <br /> and 4) maintenance programs. Final landscape and irrigation plans shall be prepared by a <br /> California licensed landscape architect and shall conform to the Model Water Efficient <br /> Landscape Ordinance as updated by the State of California Department of Water Resources. <br /> 3. Applicant shall replace the grass landscaping at the rear/side of the property with mulch or <br /> compost. <br /> 4. Applicant shall restripe and maintain the parking spaces provided as per Exhibit A, which <br /> includes a total of 19 parking stalls. <br /> 5. The trash enclosure walls shall be constructed with slump stone concrete blocks or split faced <br /> concrete blocks and the gates shall be constructed with heavy gauge solid metal. The color of <br /> the trash enclosure walls and gates shall blend in or compliment the adult day care building and <br /> the color of the gates shall be powder-coated. Prior to issuance of building permit, the exterior <br /> colors of the trash enclosure shall be approved to the satisfaction to the Zoning Enforcement <br /> Official. <br /> IV. FIRE DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS <br /> 1. A Deferred Submittal shall be required for modifications to the fire sprinkler system. <br /> 2. A Deferred Submittal shall be required for the installation of a Manual and Automatic Fire <br /> Alarm Detection System. <br /> 3. Plans for building permit shall indicate Emergency Lighting on the interior of the building and <br /> along the means of egress route on the exterior of the building to the public way. <br /> 4. Illuminated Exit sign shall be required. <br /> 5. Appropriate hardware shall be provided on all doors. <br /> 6. Appropriate interior finishes shall be provided. <br /> 7. 2A l OB:C fire extinguishers shall be provided within the facility. <br /> 8. A Knox Box shall be required if one is not presently on site. <br /> V. PUBLIC WORKS REQUIREMENTS <br /> 1. A concrete slab (minimum 6-inches thick) shall be constructed in front of the enclosure door to <br /> prevent damage to the asphalt from bin impact. The slab shall be sized appropriately to <br /> accommodate a container. <br /> 2. A minimum 12-inch buffer zone shall be maintained between the containers and the enclosure <br /> walls to allow for maneuvering the containers. Minimum recommended trash enclosure size is <br /> 10-feet by 12-feet. (Note: Commercial Establishment Enclosure Guidelines are available at <br />, or contact Alameda County Industries (ACI) at 510-357-7282 <br /> for information regarding solid waste container sizes and to address inquiries about container <br /> service location). <br /> Agreement to Conditions September 11,2017 <br /> PLN 17-0041 Page 4 of 6 <br />