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8H Consent Calendar 2017 1204
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Packet 2017 1204
8H Consent Calendar 2017 1204
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WEST SAN LEANDRO SHUTTLE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT ANNUAL REPORT FY 2017-18 <br /> <br />1 | Page <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Executive Summary & Recommendation <br /> <br /> <br />The Annual Report includes a brief history of the LINKS shuttle and the West San Leandro <br />Business Improvement District (BID), ridership statistics, it’s current and planned operations, the <br />LINKS budget and the proposed BID assessment for FY 2017-18. <br /> The LINKS Shuttle service is administered by the San Leandro Transportation Management Organization (SLTMO). The free shuttle provides critical first-last mile transportation from the San Leandro BART station to the industrial area west of I-880 and Marina Blvd. LINKS operates Monday – Friday during peak commute hours (5:45 – 9:45 am and 3:00 – 7:00 pm). In March 2015, the service was updated and now operates two buses each on a north and south loop. The north and south loops shorten headways to 20 minutes, provide more frequent service and reduce the round trip to about 30 minutes. Since starting the new service, ridership has continued to increase. The service now provides 205,000 rides per year with an average of 800 rides per day. <br />In FY 2015-16, the SLTMO focused on getting the new service up and running smoothly and <br />updating the LINKS branding with new signage, brochure and website. Bus benches and new <br />signs were installed. <br /> <br />In FY 2016-17, the SLTMO focused on stabilizing the LINKS funding by applying for grants <br />and renewing service contracts with Kaiser Permanente and Marina Square Shopping Center. <br />LINKS received a five year $1.02 M Measure BB grant which stabilizes funding for the next <br />several years. <br /> <br />With secure funding sources, the focus of FY 2017-18 will be to further enhance the service <br />through the installation of Nextbus technology followed by outreach to employers. The SLTMO <br />has contracted with Nextbus to provide real time arrival and departure information to riders <br />through the Nextbus mobile app. <br /> <br />Following is a summary of priority activities for FY 2017-18: <br /> <br />LINKS Service - Continue to work with the transportation provider to maintain on-time <br />performance and enhance the LINKS rider experience. <br /> <br />Outreach - Outreach to employers and employees to educate and promote LINKS ridership. <br /> <br />Revenue Diversification – Continue to diversify revenue sources by maintaining current <br />contracts with Kaiser Permanente (Shuttle Service) and Marina Square (advertising) and seek <br />other revenue generating opportunities. <br /> <br />203
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