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WEST SAN LEANDRO SHUTTLE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT ANNUAL REPORT FY 2017-18 <br /> <br />4 | Page <br /> <br />Participation in the LINKS BID service area helps businesses comply with the BAAQMD Commuter Benefits program. In 2014, the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) implemented a new Commuter Benefits Program that requires all employers with 50 or more full-time employees to provide commuter benefits to their employees. To comply with the Program, employers must select one (or more) of four commuter benefit options and register with BAAQMD. Participation in the LINKS BID satisfies Option 3 (“Employer Provided Transit”) under the requirements, allowing businesses to save time and money. <br /> <br />Last year, BART started to work with stakeholders to develop BART Curb Use Guidelines <br />which will determine how shuttle stops and curb space will be allocated at the BART station. <br />The SLTMO is participating in this process to ensure that the LINKS and Kaiser Shuttles secure <br />suitable curb assignments. <br />LINKS Shuttle Ridership <br /> <br />The updated LINKS service started in March 2015. Ridership for the “old” LINKS service <br />averaged 165,000 rides per year with an average of 674 rides per day. In 2016-17 LINKS <br />provided 205,000 rides and averaged 800 rides per day. <br /> <br />Rider Survey <br /> <br />The SLTMO conducts a rider survey on a regular basis. The last survey was conducted in <br />August 2016. The survey showed significant improvement in rider satisfaction. Following are a <br />few highlights from the Survey: <br /> <br />1. Nine out of ten riders use LINKS to commute to work. <br />2. One-half of the riders live in San Leandro. <br />3. Most of the riders are low-income and 75% say that it would be a financial hardship if <br />LINKS were not available. <br />4. 88% of LINKS riders use the service daily. <br />5. If LINKS were not available, 23% would drive alone proving that LINKS significantly <br />reduces single occupancy vehicle trips. This is a key finding making our grant <br />applications stronger. <br />6. Overall satisfaction with the service increased with 90% of riders rating the service good <br />to excellent. <br />7. Satisfaction with the schedule improved significantly moving from a 64% good to <br />excellent rating to 81%. The improvement is most likely a result of the expanded service, <br />more frequent buses and shorter travel time. <br />8. Rider comments included “Great Service”, “Drivers are always so kind” and “Thank <br />you!” <br /> <br />LINKS Budget <br /> <br />Funding for LINKS comes from the BID, grants, the City of San Leandro, partnerships and <br />advertising. The BID funds approximately one-half of the LINKS service. <br /> <br />Over the last year, the SLTMO applied for the following grants: <br /> TFCA Grant – Received $79,905 (two-year grant) <br />206