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Agmt 2017 Flagship Facility Services, Inc. Citywide Janitorial Services
City Clerk
City Council
Agmt 2017 Flagship Facility Services, Inc. Citywide Janitorial Services
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Last modified
12/6/2017 12:34:00 PM
Creation date
12/6/2017 12:31:46 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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(b) The Underwriter shall pay the fees and expenses of Underwriter's Counsel, all <br /> advertising expenses incurred in connection with the public offering of the Bonds, fees of the <br /> California Debt and Investment Advisor Commission, CUSIP fees and all other expenses <br /> incurred by it in connection with the public offering and distribution of the Bonds (including <br /> out-of-pocket expenses and related regulatory expenses). <br /> 13. Notices. Any notice or other communication to be given to the Successor Agency <br /> under this Bond Purchase Agreement may be given by delivering the same in writing to the <br /> Executive Director,Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Leandro, <br /> 200 Civic Center Way,San Leandro,California 92020, and any notice or other communication to <br /> be given to the Underwriter under this Bond Purchase Agreement may be given by delivering <br /> the same in writing to Raymond James & Associates, Inc., One Embarcadero Center, Suite 650, <br /> San Francisco,CA 94111,Attention: Mr. Robert Larkins,Managing Director. <br /> 14. Parties in Interest. This Bond Purchase Agreement is made solely for the benefit of the <br /> Successor Agency and the Underwriter (including the successors or assigns of the Underwriter) <br /> and no other person, including any purchaser of the Bonds, shall acquire or have any right <br /> hereunder or by virtue hereof. <br /> 15. Governing Law. This Bond Purchase Agreement shall be governed by and construed <br /> in accordance with the laws of the State of California applicable to contracts made and <br /> performed in California. <br /> 16. Headings. The headings of the paragraphs of this Bond Purchase Agreement are <br /> inserted for convenience of reference only and shall not be deemed to be a part hereof. <br /> 17. Severability. In case any one or more of the provisions contained herein shall for any <br /> reason be held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality or <br /> unenforceability shall not affect any other provision hereof. <br /> 18. Effectiveness. This Bond Purchase Agreement shall become effective upon its <br /> acceptance hereof by the Successor Agency. <br /> -17- <br />
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