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File Number: 17-727 <br />Concentrate new multi-family development in the areas near the BART Stations and along major <br />transit corridors such as East 14th Street. Ensure that such development enhances rather than <br />detracts from the character of surrounding neighborhoods. <br />Policy LU-2.17: Constrained Sites. <br />Focus new housing development on underutilized or infill sites on the city’s flatter lands, rather <br />than on previously undeveloped sites in the hills. Development on sites with significant geologic, <br />hydrologic, or land stability constraints should be strongly discouraged. <br />New Housing Opportunities <br />Goal LU-3: Provide housing opportunities and improve economic access to housing for all <br />segments of the community. <br />Policy LU-3.1: Mix of Unit Types. <br />Encourage a mix of residential development types in the city, including single family homes on a <br />variety of lot sizes, as well as townhomes, row houses, live-work units, planned unit developments, <br />garden apartments, and medium to high density multi-family housing. <br />Policy LU-3.2: Mix of Price Ranges. <br />Encourage a mix of price ranges to provide housing choices for San Leandro residents of all <br />incomes and ages. Opportunities to include affordable units and market rate units within the same <br />development projects should be pursued. <br />Policy LU-3.3: Affordable Housing Design. <br />Design new affordable housing to blend in with the existing fabric of the community. Affordable <br />housing should be located in a variety of neighborhoods rather than concentrated in one particular <br />part of the city. <br />Policy LU-3.4: Promotion of Infill. <br />Encourage infill development on vacant or underused sites within residential and commercial <br />areas. <br />Policy LU-3.5: Mixed Use on Transit Corridors. <br />Encourage mixed use projects containing ground floor retail and upper floor residential uses <br />along major transit corridors. Such development should be pedestrian-oriented, respect the scale <br />and character of the surrounding neighborhood, and incorporate architectural themes that <br />enhance the identity of adjacent commercial districts. <br />Policy LU-3.6: Housing by Non-Profit Developers. <br />Promote the participation of non-profit housing organizations in the construction of new affordable <br />housing in San Leandro, with particular emphasis on housing for working families. <br />Action LU-3.6A: Rental Housing Production <br />Pursue funds through a variety of government-funded housing programs to assist in the <br />creation of new affordable rental units. <br />Policy LU-3.7: Amenities and Social Services Within New Housing. <br />Page 5 City of San Leandro Printed on 1/2/2018 <br />10