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File Number: 17-727 <br />Improve the walkability of all streets in San Leandro through the planning, implementing, and <br />maintaining of pedestrian supportive infrastructure. <br />Public Transportation <br />Goal T-4: Ensure that public transportation is safe, convenient, and affordable and provides a <br />viable alternative to driving. <br />Policy T-4.1: Coordination with Service Providers. <br />Work collaboratively with AC Transit and BART to ensure that public transit service remains safe, <br />reliable, and affordable, and to improve service frequency and coverage within San Leandro <br />neighborhoods and employment centers. <br />Action T-4.1.A: AC Transit Improvements. <br />On an ongoing basis, work with AC Transit to pursue route improvements that provide <br />greater cross-town access, improved access to public facilities, and additional links to <br />BART from San Leandro neighborhoods and employment centers. <br />Action T-4.1.B: BART Improvements. <br />On an ongoing basis, work with BART to pursue urban design improvements that enhance <br />access to (the San Leandro BART) station for pedestrians, persons with disabilities, <br />bicycles, and public transit vehicles; Encourage transit-oriented development on land <br />surrounding the BART Stations. <br />Resource Conservation and Greenhouse Gas Reduction <br />Goal OSC-7: Promote recycling, water conservation, green building, and other programs that <br />reduce greenhouse gas emissions and create a more sustainable environment. <br />Policy OSC-7.9 Reducing Greenhouse Gases Through Land Use and Transportation Choices. <br />Locate and design new development in a manner which maximizes the ability to use transit, walk, <br />or bicycle for most trips, reduce dependence on fossil fuel powered vehicles, and reduce vehicle <br />miles traveled. <br />Action OSC-7.9.A: Transit-Oriented Development. <br />Implement transit-oriented development plans for the Downtown and Bay Fair BART <br />station areas and the East 14th Street corridor. <br />Action OSC-7.9.B: Pedestrian Orientation. <br />Implement design guidelines which encourage pedestrian friendly development and which <br />de-emphasize the predominance of surface parking lots in transit-oriented development <br />areas such as the BART stations and East 14th Street corridor. <br />Action OSC-7.9.C: Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements. <br />Implement the capital projects identified in the San Leandro Bicycle and Pedestrian <br />Master Plan, and support new projects such as the East Bay Greenway to facilitate travel <br />on foot and by bicycle. <br />Action OSC-7.9.D: Reducing Motor Vehicle Emissions. <br />Page 7 City of San Leandro Printed on 1/2/2018 <br />12