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File Number: 17-727 <br />Expand car-sharing and ride-sharing programs, the use of fuel efficient and electric <br />vehicles, and other measures that reduce emissions from motor vehicles. <br />Action OSC-7.9.E: Improving Public Transit. <br />Support increased levels of investment in public transportation service and public transit <br />infrastructure so that a larger share of daily trips may be taken by bus, rapid bus, BART, <br />shuttles, and other modes which result in lower greenhouse gas emissions than passenger <br />automobiles. <br />Housing Element Goal 53: Affordable Housing Development <br />Policy 53.02 Housing Proximity to Transit. <br />To the greatest extent feasible, locate future higher density housing in areas that are served by <br />transit, especially BART and frequent bus service. Transit availability not only achieves regional <br />air quality, congestion management, and greenhouse gas reduction goals, it also reduces <br />household transportation expenses and provides more disposable income for housing. The City <br />should lobby strongly for high-quality, premium AC Transit service along the East 14th Street and <br />San Leandro Boulevard corridors so that bus service remains a viable means of transport. <br />Policy 53.03 Funding. <br />Actively pursue and leverage private, non-profit, and public funds to facilitate the development of <br />housing affordable to lower and moderate income households in San Leandro. Provide <br />administrative and technical assistance to affordable housing developers and support the <br />applications of these developers for loans, grants, tax credits, and other financing sources that <br />facilitate affordable housing production in the City. <br />Action 53.03-A: Applications for Grant Funding. <br />Continue to pursue all available funding sources for affordable housing construction, <br />including annual applications for federal CDBG and HOME funds, and applications for <br />state funds through the Department of Housing and Community Development. <br />Action 53.03-B: Support for Non-Profit and For-Profit Affordable Housing Developers. <br />Continue to provide support and information to non-profit and for-profit developers seeking <br />to create affordable housing in San Leandro, including assistance in applications for Low <br />Income Housing Tax Credits, Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Affordable Housing Program <br />funds, and other funding sources. <br />Policy 53.06: New Rental Housing <br />Strongly encourage the development of additional rental housing in the City, including both market <br />rate units and affordable units. It should be recognized that many market rate rentals meet the <br />affordability criteria for moderate income households. Expanded production could increase the <br />supply of workforce housing and address the deficit in housing production for households earning <br />between 60 and 120 percent of the area median income. <br />Environmental Review <br />Page 8 City of San Leandro Printed on 1/2/2018 <br />13