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File Number: 18-012 <br />The East 14th Street Triangle - The East 14th Triangle Parcel, formerly the site of a Quality <br />Tune-Up, was purchased by the City of San Leandro in 2009 and all structural development on <br />site was demolished and cleared in 2012. In 2010, the Council also approved redevelopment <br />funds for the development of the Triangle Parcel as a community entryway. Construction designs <br />may include landscaping, irrigation, art, a monument, a sidewalk, and seating. Currently, there is <br />no set date for project completion, but staff estimates the project will begin in 2022. <br />It should be noted that the Rules Committee specifically acknowledged Code Section1.10.110 (c) <br />which requires, “a well-defined connection between the contributions of the individual and the <br />property or facility.” At the September 25, 2017 Rules Committee, Vice Mayor Thomas noted that <br />Surlene Grant’s continuous work in the community and as a meeting facilitator provides a <br />well-defined nexus to the multi-purpose community room that could be named in her honor. <br />Additionally, the Rules Committee noted that the East 14th triangle property is intended to serve <br />as a welcoming gateway to San Leandro, which aligns with Ms. Grant’s legacy. The property is <br />also located in District Two, which Ms. Grant represented during her tenure with the City Council. <br />There was no dissent expressed by members of the public in attendance at the Rules Committee <br />meeting regarding the suggested locations. However, the public did express some concern with <br />the length of time it would take for the project(s) to be completed. <br />Library Historical Commission Recommendation <br />The Library Historical Commission reviewed this matter on October 17, 2017 and November 21, <br />2017. At the first meeting, the discussion focused on the process outlined in the Code. <br />Additionally, the Commission requested additional background information on Surlene Grant. For <br />the second Commission meeting, the meeting materials included a biography that was provided <br />by Ms. Grant, which has been included as an attachment to this report. Several members of the <br />public spoke in favor of naming a facility after Surlene Grant during those meetings. <br />Ultimately, the Library Historical Commission expressed support for the effort to name a City <br />facility after Surlene Grant in light of her significant contributions to the community. Of the two <br />options presented, the Commission expressed a preference for the South Offices Community <br />Room. Their rationale was that the room will be used for community meetings and gatherings, <br />which is consistent with Ms. Grant’s background as an organizer and meeting facilitator. The <br />room is also likely to be completed sooner than the Triangle project. Additionally, the Commission <br />suggested that the City Council may wish to consider other locations that will be available sooner, <br />such as the Senior Center. <br />Given the actions taken by the Rules Committee and the Library Historical Commission, staff <br />believes that the requirements of Chapter 10 of the Administrative Code for naming a facility have <br />been met. At this time, staff requests Council direction on its desire to move forward with this <br />effort and, if so, staff also requests direction regarding a preferred facility or location. Based on <br />Council direction, staff is prepared to place a resolution on a future City Council agenda to finalize <br />this action. <br />Page 4 City of San Leandro Printed on 1/9/2018