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4B Presentations 2018 0220
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Packet 2018 0220
4B Presentations 2018 0220
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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File Number: 18-073 <br />features, including the ability to issue a warning notice as an alternative to a citation, and the <br />opportunity to verify if a vehicle has received a previous violation. Additionally, the handheld <br />devices will be integrated with the soon- to-be implemented paid parking technology solutions <br />including mobile payment. <br />Downtown Parking Garage Permits- During the evaluation with the Police Department, staff also <br />coordinated with Public Works and Finance and identified that the City had not optimized the <br />process for management of permits in Downtown Parking Garage. Previously, staff relied upon <br />paper processes for application and billing. Staff leveraged our existing vendor (Data Ticket) and <br />are currently in the process of implementing an integrated permit management system that will <br />allow customers the ability to manage permit accounts online, including applying, submitting <br />documentation, and processing payment. This is an important enhancement development that <br />will prepare the City for the potential demand for residential parking permit programs as staff <br />proceeds to proactively manage the City’s parking operation. <br />Mobile Payment- Staff has successfully managed two (2) Request for Proposal (RFP) processes <br />for paid parking solutions. The first was for a citywide mobile payment solution. As previously <br />discussed in a memo shared in November 2017, Parkmobile was selected to support the City’s <br />program. Customers will no longer be limited to payment with coins at meters but now will have <br />the option to pay for parking via phone (text, call, or mobile application). Payment status can be <br />verified by the Parking Aides utilizing the handheld enforcement devices, in addition to the LPR <br />technology. Parkmobile provides similar mobile payment services in our neighboring <br />communities including Oakland, Berkeley, and Walnut Creek. This provides customers an <br />existing familiarity with the service and the opportunity to establish an account that provides quick <br />transaction to initiate a parking session. Staff supported a soft launch at the December 1st tree <br />lighting event to alert the community of the upcoming service and the reception was <br />overwhelmingly positive. <br />The Parkmobile payment service is provided at no cost to the City and customers pay a <br />transaction fee to utilize the service. This is an opportunity to provide a credit card payment option <br />without a substantial capital investment for on street technology. If the City were to update the <br />current single space meter inventory with smart meters, the capital investment would be <br />approximately $400,000. Rather than introduce this capital outlay, staff identified alternative <br />strategies that will allow the City to identify the long term needs by making incremental, low cost <br />initial investments. <br />Downtown Parking Garage Pay Stations- The second solicitation was for parking pay stations for <br />the parking garage. The existing hardware located near the garage elevators has been <br />inoperable since the APARC bankruptcy and patrons have used a cash honor box for parking on <br />the roof deck. After a competitive bid process, the selected pay station vendor Parkeon provided <br />an on-site demonstration and the equipment was kept in City Hall and staff and council were <br />invited to evaluate the equipment. The contract is being finalized and it is anticipated that the <br />garage pay stations will be installed and operational by April. The 5-year estimated cost for three <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 2/13/2018 <br />13
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