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5A Public Hearings 2018 0220
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Packet 2018 0220
5A Public Hearings 2018 0220
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File Number: 18-064 <br />member Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) consisting of staff from the City’s Planning <br />Services Division and Engineering/Transportation Department, AC Transit, Alameda County <br />Planning & Flood Control, Alameda County Transportation Commission, Association of Bay Area <br />Governments , BART, Caltrans, and Madison Marquette. Both the CAC and TAC were required <br />to be established under the MTC planning grant. <br />In addition to promoting the long-term sustainability and vibrancy of the Bay Fair BART Station <br />area, the importance of the City establishing a TOD (or Priority Development Area/PDA) Specific <br />Plan include: 1) greater access to public funding targeted to TOD areas, 2) <br />incentivizing/streamlining the regulatory process for future TOD developments, 3) continuing City <br />and private investments in South San Leandro, and 4) adding the final planning piece to the City’s <br />East 14th Street corridor, following the East 14th South Area Strategy (2004) and the Downtown <br />TOD Strategy (2007), all in compliance with MTC’s regional Plan Bay Area 2040. MTC initially <br />adopted the regional Plan Bay Area in 2013, and updated it in 2017, to address State mandated <br />land use, transportation and greenhouse gas emissions goals and requirements under Senate <br />Bill (SB) 375 (2008). <br />The 2035 General Plan, which the City adopted in September 2016, created a new land use (as <br />well as land use map) designation, Bay Fair Transit-Oriented Development (B-TOD), in <br />anticipation of the eventual completion of the Bay Fair TOD Specific Plan. The Specific Plan is <br />intended to implement, and improve upon, the guidance provided in the City’s 2035 General Plan. <br />Analysis <br />The Bay Fair TOD Specific Plan Area (“Specific Plan Area”) is at the southeastern edge of San <br />Leandro, adjacent to unincorporated Alameda County. It includes Bay Fair BART Station, Bayfair <br />Center, East 14th street and Hesperian Boulevard corridors, and a small number of residential <br />uses. The Specific Plan Area is surrounded in most directions by single-family neighborhoods. <br />Further beyond, the area is near three freeways (I-580, I-238, and I-880). <br />The Bay Fair TOD Specific Plan Area has a total acreage of 154 acres, with a majority of its land <br />designated towards retail and commercial uses. The remaining portion contains a mix of uses <br />including office, light industrial, and residential. The study area has different sub areas (such as <br />Bay Fair BART Station, Bayfair Center, Fashion Faire Place, and Fairmont Square Shopping <br />Center), which are divided by two intersecting corridors (East 14th Street and Hesperian <br />Boulevard). <br />The Specific Plan (see Exhibits A and B to the City Council Resolution Adopting the Specific <br />Plan) contains the following chapters: <br />·The Introduction and Context chapter (Chapter 1) describes the Specific Plan Area <br />conditions and context, the purpose of the document, and the community engagement <br />and plan development process. <br />·The Vision and Planning Framework chapter (Chapter 2) provides the long-term <br />vision and desired outcomes for the Specific Plan Area. <br />·The Mobility chapter (Chapter 3) presents the circulation network and design concepts <br />that are intended to improve connections and enhance walkability along and across <br />existing corridors. Parking is also addressed in this Chapter. <br />·The Land Use and Housing chapter (Chapter 4) provides policy direction for the <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 2/13/2018 <br />20
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