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EXHIBIT B <br /> <br />CHAPTER 1-3 BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS <br />ARTICLE 8: LIBRARY-HISTORICAL COMMISSION <br /> <br />1-3-815 POWERS AND DUTIES. <br /> The Library-Historical Commission shall: <br /> (a) Recommend policies for the use and improvement of all property operated for library purposes by <br />the City; <br /> (b) Recommend rules and regulations governing the operation of library buildings; <br /> (c) Recommend acceptance or rejection of proposed donations to the City for library purposes; <br /> (d) Recommend regarding proposed contracts with other agencies for the provision and use of library <br />services and facilities; <br /> (e) Serve as an advisory body to the City Council and provide leadership regarding historic <br />preservation issues within the community; <br /> (f) Seek a means for the identification, designation, protection, retention, and preservation of historic <br />resources as defined under the provisions of Chapter 4-26 of this Code; <br /> (g) Promote and coordinate the continuing education of the San Leandro community about the City’s <br />heritage and its designated historic resources; <br /> (h) Provide liaison between the Council and all historical organizations operating within the local <br />community; <br /> (i) Devise and recommend to the Council implementation procedures for establishing and maintaining <br />appropriate relationships with non-local historical organizations; <br /> (j) Assist all historical organizations operating within the local community to develop a high level of <br />community participation in historical endeavors and activities; <br /> (k) Study proposed programs and proposed budgets of historical organizations making requests of the <br />City and recommend Council approval or disapproval of any proposed program or budget for which City <br />funds are requested. No such program or budget involving City assistance or City funding, or the use of <br />City property, shall be implemented without approval of the Council; <br /> (l) Conduct periodic audits of Council-approved programs and budgets and report to the Council on <br />the implementation of such programs and expenditures of City funds therefor; <br /> (m) Recommend and support inclusive programs and activities that celebrate the City’s cultural <br />diversity, Sister and Friendship City engagement; <br /> <br /> (n) Serve as the liaison between the City Council, community, and organizations with an interest in <br />the City's library, historical, and multicultural activities. <br /> <br /> The Library-Historical Commission shall not be limited to those duties hereinbefore specifically set <br />forth, but shall do all things necessary to identify the role and responsibility of San Leandro in relation to <br />1059