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File Number: 18-062 <br />the Arts, Human Services, Library-Historical and Senior Commissions. While staff and the Ad <br />Hoc Committee made changes based on the overviews of these different commissions, staff now <br />brings forward the codified updates that will be reflected in the San Leandro Municipal Code. <br />Redline versions of the Municipal Code changes are attached to each ordinance for reference. <br />The aforementioned review and subsequent recommendations complete the Multicultural <br />Committee’s assignment. <br />NEXT STEPS <br />The attached resolution and ordinances will implement the Ad Hoc Committee’s <br />recommendations regarding City Commission changes. Upon adoption, staff will update <br />applicable materials and web pages to ensure consistency with the new language. Additionally, <br />staff will ensure that the changes are communicated to the Commissions themselves so that the <br />City’s commissioners are fully aware of the changes and the process that led to them and have an <br />opportunity to ask questions. <br />Additionally, the recommendations below do not requires legislative action but have been <br />received in the form of City Council direction to staff: <br />1. Update commission application to incorporate multilingual skills. <br />2. Continue to explore new Sister City and Friendship City opportunities <br />3. Reengage existing Sister and Friendship Cities <br />a. Staff is directed to initiate programs in partnership with the respective commissions <br />that help the community reengage with existing Sister and Friendship Cities, <br />promoting community building, respect and mutual understanding. <br />b. Possible engagement opportunities include: <br />i. Youth virtual café or dinner, in partnership with the Youth Advisory <br />Commission <br />ii. Virtual pen pals <br />iii. Request Art Commission assistance to refresh City Hall art exhibit to <br />focus more on the City’s diversity. <br />· Sister City Youth Summer Exchange Program <br />c. Staff is directed to attempt to reach out to community members who originally <br />established Sister and Friendship City relationships to explore reengagement. <br />4. Enhance promotion of City sponsored cultural events including but not limited to social <br />media outlets and the City’s television and YouTube channels. <br />5. Expand outreach to non-English media outlets including but not limited to radio, television, <br />print and blogs. <br />Implementation is already underway on many of these initiatives. Staff will continue to provide <br />additional updates to the City Council in the form of a recurring update on communications <br />activities, among other opportunities. <br />PREVIOUS CITY COUNCIL ACTIONS <br />·On October 16, 2016, the City Council formed the Multicultural Ad Hoc Committee to <br />discuss the potential formation of a Multicultural Commission <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 2/13/2018 <br />1047