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6-2-355 PENALTIES, LIABILITY AND ENFORCEMENT. This chapter shall be enforced pursuant to Chapter 1-12 of the San Leandro Municipal Code. The following <br />acts shall constitute fraudulent use of a permit punishable by a fine to be prescribed by City Council resolution and/or revocation of any permit currently held. Violations of this Article shall include, but are not limited to, the <br />following: (a) Falsely representing oneself as eligible for a parking permit or furnishing false information in an <br />application therefor. (b) Copying, reproducing, or otherwise bringing into existence counterfeit parking permit or permits <br />without written authorization from the Finance Director. (c) Knowingly using or displaying a facsimile or counterfeit parking permit in order to evade time <br />limitations on parking applicable in a residential parking permit area. (d) Changing dates on a visitor parking permit without written authorization from the Finance <br />Director. (e) Knowingly committing any act that is prohibited by the terms of this Chapter or any ordinance or <br />resolution enacted by authority granted by this Chapter. <br /> <br /> ARTICLE 4. ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING STATIONS <br /> <br />6-2-405 PARKING AT PUBLIC ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING STATIONS. <br /> Each electric vehicle parking stall will be clearly marked with signage. When so marked, it is unlawful to park in a designated electric vehicle charging station parking stall unless the vehicle is a actively charging electric <br />vehicle. <br />1193