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File Number: 17-642 <br />Code to allow for technology automation and process efficiency. <br />·Amend Article 3 of Chapter 6-2 of Title VI (6-2-320 & 345) of the San Leandro Municipal <br />Code to clarify resident petitioning and validation process for Residential Parking Permit <br />(RPP) consideration. <br />·Amend Article 3 of Chapter 6-2 of Title VI (6-2-330) of the San Leandro Municipal Code to <br />specify residential parking permit requirements including valid registration and proof of <br />vehicle ownership, also providing the ability to limit the quantity of permits. <br />·Amend Article 3 of Chapter 6-2 of Title VI (6-2-355) of the San Leandro Municipal Code to <br />enhance the policies to allow for permit program accountability and revocation of permits <br />for fraudulent use. <br />·Amend Article 4 of Chapter 6-2 of Title VI (6-2-405) of the San Leandro Municipal Code, <br />making it unlawful to park in a designated electric vehicle charging station parking stall <br />unless the vehicle is actively charging. <br />BACKGROUND <br />The City of San Leandro recently completed a Downtown Parking Management Plan (DPMP) to <br />guide policies and regulations for parking in Downtown San Leandro. The DPMP was funded by <br />a grant from the Sustainable Communities Technical Assistance Program (SC-TAP) of the <br />Alameda County Transportation Commission (ACTC). The plan analyzed parking inventory, <br />utilization, and turnover in the core downtown and periphery areas. The data includes BART <br />riders, employees of downtown businesses, shoppers, and residents who use parking either for <br />short term or all-day. <br />On July 17, 2017 City Council adopted the DPMP with a strategy to aid future land-use, economic <br />development decisions and increase the sustainability of the Downtown. The City Council also <br />approved a Consulting Services Agreement with Dixon Resources Unlimited (DIXON) for <br />oversight of the Downtown San Leandro parking system and to guide implementation of the City’s <br />new DPMP. <br />The DPMP included proposed regulations, rates and time restrictions for the Downtown Parking <br />Garage, on-street parking and off-street public parking lots. Staff worked with DIXON to establish <br />an implementation plan that incorporates the DPMP recommendations with technology and <br />operational solutions. As a result, a thorough assessment of the City of San Leandro Municipal <br />Code was conducted and the proposed amendments to Title 6, Chapters 6-1 and 6-2 are <br />intended to improve the management of the San Leandro public parking system. <br />ANALYSIS <br />The proposed changes will provide a more efficient and manageable parking program that will <br />address chronic abuses and loopholes within the existing system. The code amendments are <br />intended to promote compliance with City parking regulations and to improve the overall public <br />parking experience. Existing codes rely on inefficient processes and the updates are intended to <br />introduce customer conveniences and automation. <br />Some of the recommended code changes will tighten parking restrictions to optimize compliance <br />monitoring. For example, the amendment to Article 8 of Chapter 6-1 of Title VI (6-1-810(b)) of the <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 2/13/2018 <br />1181