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8C Consent Calendar 2018 0305
City Clerk
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Packet 2018 0305
8C Consent Calendar 2018 0305
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2/27/2018 5:02:29 PM
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2/27/2018 5:02:28 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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File Number: 18-089 <br />the necessary City Encroachment Permit; or <br />·Participate in the Sidewalk Repair Program, and remit the applicable programs costs <br />once the work is complete; or <br />·Request minor repairs such as grinding and/or patching by the City’s Public Works <br />Department at no cost to the property owner, with the understanding that this is often a <br />temporary measure that will require future action. <br />If a City street tree is the cause of the damage, and the property owner participates in the <br />Sidewalk Repair Program, then the repair cost is divided evenly between property owner and <br />City. <br />While the primary purpose of the program is to repair damaged sidewalks, this project includes <br />bid items for a variety of other concrete-related infrastructure. These bid items will be utilized on <br />an ‘as-needed’ basis to correct issues brought to the City’s attention during the course of the <br />project. Examples of such items include curb ramp construction, bike rack installations, and bus <br />stop bench placement. <br />As part of this project, the Contractor will replace 15,800 square feet of sidewalk, 1,820 square <br />feet of driveways, 880 linear feet of curb and gutter, and eight curb ramps. The Contractor has <br />been given 125 working days to complete the work, which should be approximately 6 months <br />from the date the Notice to Proceed is issued. <br />Analysis <br />Seven companies attended the mandatory pre-bid meetings on January 10, 2017 and January <br />17, 2017. From those, three bids were received and opened on February 6, 2018. Bids received <br />ranged between $569,311 and $961,976. Sposeto Engineering, Inc. submitted the lowest bid of <br />$569,311. The pre-bid engineer’s estimate for construction is $604,750. Sposeto Engineering, <br />Inc. was determined to be the lowest responsive bidder and they provided documentation that <br />demonstrated completion of the required Good Faith Efforts to meet the Local Business <br />Participation Goal. <br />Although one of the bidders has an office in San Leandro that would qualify them as a local <br />business per the Local Inclusion Policy Ordinance, their bid was substantially higher than the low <br />bid. Neither of the two remaining bidders met the 25% Local Business Participation Goal by <br />subcontracting with San Leandro businesses for 25% of the contract value; however, both <br />provided Good Faith Efforts documentation including the low bidder. The nature of the Sidewalk <br />Repair Program is such that there is rarely a need for subcontractors. <br />As is standard in the construction industry, staff balanced site investigation costs with the risk of <br />finding unforeseen conditions during construction. As a result, the bid items quantities may need <br />to be adjusted during construction to provide the highest quality project for the City. Staff <br />therefore requests that the City Council authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to negotiate <br />and approve individual change orders up to $28,465 (5% of the original contract amount) as well <br />as change orders up to a cumulative value not to exceed $142,327 (25% of the original contract <br />amount). <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 2/27/2018 <br />29
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