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File Number: 18-126 <br />and fits in with the scale and texture of existing historic structures. Discourage “franchise <br />architecture” that will detract from creating a unique and distinctive Downtown setting. <br />Policy LU-6.11 Coordination. Fully involve and coordinate with local business owners, <br />property owners, adjacent residents, and business organizations such as the Chamber of <br />Commerce, San Leandro Improvement Association, and Downtown Association in all <br />planning and development activities within the Downtown area. <br />Policy LU-6.13 BART Station Area Transit Village. Foster the development of the BART <br />Station area as a mixed use “transit village,” with a full complement of office, high-density <br />residential, and retail uses, along with pedestrian plazas, open space, BART parking, and <br />other transit facilities. Development in this area should include a balance of new housing, <br />office, and retail use, oriented in a compact form to make it more feasible to walk and use <br />transit for most trips. <br />Action LU-6.13.C BART Area Housing. Strongly encourage the development of <br />high-density housing on vacant and underutilized land at the northern terminus of <br />Alvarado Street, and along the San Leandro Boulevard corridor to the north and south <br />of the BART station. The City should continue to require minimum densities in these <br />areas to ensure that the opportunity for transit-oriented development is maximized. <br />GOAL ED-4. Create attractive, economically vibrant commercial areas that are easily <br />accessible to San Leandro residents and employees. <br />Policy ED-4.5 Downtown San Leandro. Downtown San Leandro. Continue efforts to <br />transform Downtown into a successful, pedestrian-oriented, mixed-use district with <br />services and amenities for workers, residents, and visitors. Downtown should be the <br />gathering place for the city, providing restaurants, cafes, and a wide range of retail stores <br />and services in a walkable setting. <br />GOAL ED-5. Provide amenities that attract and retain businesses and encourage those <br />working in San Leandro to also live in San Leandro. <br />Policy ED-5.1 Key Amenities. Support amenities that attract businesses and employees <br />to the city, including a more vibrant downtown, walkable neighborhoods, better dining and <br />entertainment options, quality education and public safety, and more diverse housing <br />choices. <br />Policy ED-5.2 Housing Production. Substantially increase the production of a variety of <br />housing types meeting the needs of persons at all income levels. <br />Environmental Review <br />This Project to redevelop the 20,021 square foot infill property with a multi-family housing project <br />was determined to be categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) <br />per CEQA Guidelines Article 19, Categorical Exemption, Section 15332, In-Fill Development <br />Projects. <br />Page 6 City of San Leandro Printed on 3/13/2018 <br />12