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File Number: 18-101 <br />1. Adopt the Resolution to Appoint Members to the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory <br />Committee. <br />BACKGROUND <br />Bicycling and walking are low-cost, environmentally-friendly, and healthy forms of transportation <br />and are ideal for many trips. In 1997, the City of San Leandro adopted a Bicycle Master Plan to <br />set forth a blueprint for completing a system of bikeways and support facilities (such as bicycle <br />parking) as well as education programs. This document was updated in 2004 and again in 2010 <br />to reflect changes in the bicycling environment and to add a pedestrian component. By <br />incorporating pedestrian policies, programs, and proposed improvements, the City became <br />more competitive when applying for grant funding to construct needed improvements. <br />The City’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan has been a critical planning, policy, and <br />implementation document to support efforts to improve the safety, attractiveness, and <br />participation in bicycling and walking as a means of transportation and recreation. The document <br />is both practical and aspirational with projects that can be completed relatively easily in the short <br />term and other projects that will require additional time, study and public input before they come <br />into realization. The Plan has helped the City achieve a number of key objectives: <br />·Identifying a network of facilities, supportive programs, and policies; <br />·Gathering input on needs and opportunities related to bicycling and walking; <br />·Ensuring that recommended improvements are aligned with community priorities; and <br />·Identifying available resources to formulate an implementation strategy. <br />To continue its usefulness, however, the Alameda County Transportation Commission requires <br />the Plan to be updated every five years. The 2018 update to the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master <br />Plan represents a fourteen-month effort to ensure that the Plan remains aligned with local <br />priorities, to ensure the development of projects and programs to be implemented, and to assess <br />barriers to implementation. This update reflects and supports San Leandro's 2035 General Plan <br />policies and goals, as well as other recent planning initiatives such as the San Leandro Creek <br />Trail Master Plan, the East Bay Greenway, and the Bay Fair Transit Oriented Development <br />Specific Plan. <br />The draft 2018 Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan was developed with the input of the City <br />Council-appointed BPAC and from the general public. The BPAC was convened to guide the <br />update and is comprised of eleven members. BPAC members, who represent both bicycle and <br />pedestrian interests, were selected to represent each of the six Council districts. The BPAC met <br />five times over fourteen months, hosted two Open-House events, and received comments via an <br />on-line survey. During the course of the update, two BPAC members resigned, and staff filled in <br />the vacancies based on recommendations from council members who represent those districts. <br />The two interim members are now seeking City Council approval for permanent appointment. <br />Analysis <br />The updated Plan includes the following chapters: <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 3/13/2018 <br />124