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File Number: 18-101 <br />will allow the City to implement the plan in a logical sequence over a period of several years as <br />funding is awarded or allocated. <br />Full lists of the bicycle and pedestrian projects can be seen in Tables 17, 18, and 19 on pages <br />161-172. Additionally, high priority bicycle and pedestrian projects for the 5-year expenditure <br />plan are also listed on Table 20 on pages 174-177. Conceptual unit cost estimates for bikeways <br />and the bikeway network are also listed in Table 21 on pages 181-182, and Tables 22 and 23 on <br />page 184. <br />Appointment of Two Members to the BPAC <br />The BPAC was instrumental in moving the 2018 Plan update forward. However, during the <br />fourteen month process, two members resigned and were replaced in an interim capacity. The <br />new members will fill the vacated seats as recommended by Council members whose districts <br />they serve. <br />With the 2018 Plan update complete, the BPAC will now transition to assist staff in implementing <br />the recommended City improvement projects. A consistent and systematic review process will <br />be followed to ensure that bicycle/pedestrian issues are addressed and options developed to <br />assure network expansion, creation of well-defined linkages, improved access, and increased <br />public safety. <br />Although establishing a BPAC is not required by law, the BPAC provides a valuable forum to <br />receive community input related to bicycle and pedestrian facilities. A complete committee is <br />therefore recommended. Following is a summary of the key elements of the BPAC: <br />Committee Name: Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee <br />Membership: Eleven Member Committee <br />Staff recommends that there be no age limit for BPAC members and that at <br />least one member represent each Council District. The selected members <br />shall represent both bicyclist and pedestrian issues and be approved by the <br />City Council <br />Responsibilities: In general, the BPAC will be charged with advising staff on matters relating <br />to the status and condition of bicycle and pedestrian facilities within the City <br />Meetings:Meetings of the BPAC shall be held on an as-needed basis. It is anticipated <br />that the BPAC will meet once or twice per year <br />Of its eleven members, the BPAC currently has two vacancies. Based on a recent recruitment <br />effort, staff recommends that the City Council reappoint the nine existing members and appoint <br />two new members to serve on the BPAC. The City also sends one of the current San Leandro <br />BPAC representatives to the BPAC for the Alameda County Transportation Commission. The <br />following residents of San Leandro are recommended for appointment or reappointment to the <br />BPAC: <br />1. Maureen Forney (Council District 1) <br />2. Jeremy Johansen (Council District 1) - ACTC BPAC Representative <br />3. Jason Hammon (Council District 2) - New Member <br />Page 5 City of San Leandro Printed on 3/13/2018 <br />127