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WHEREAS,the City of San Leandro's General Plan, Zoning Code, and TOD Strategy <br /> are incorporated herein by reference, and are available for review at City Hall during regular <br /> business hours; and <br /> WHEREAS, on March 19, 2018, the City Council, after consideration of all arguments <br /> made by and on behalf of the Appellant, the staff report, conditions of approval, and all other <br /> testimony and evidence presented at the public hearing, declared its intent to deny the appeal and <br /> uphold the decision and findings of the Board of Zoning Adjustments regarding Site Plan <br /> Review PLN17-0061. <br /> NOW,THEREFORE,the City Council of the City of San Leandro does RESOLVE as <br /> follows: <br /> Section 1. That the City Council denies the appeal by J.W. Blaine, upholds the Board of <br /> Zoning Adjustment's approval of the Site Plan Review application for Parrot Street Apartments <br /> ("Project,"PLN17-0061), and makes the following findings: <br /> A. The forgoing recitals are true and correct and made part of this resolution. <br /> B. The City Council has reviewed, considered and evaluated all of the Project Based on the <br /> entirety of the record and following consideration of all materials and public comments <br /> received at the hearing, the City Council finds and determines that the Project described <br /> herein is consistent with the San Leandro General Plan; the Project is in accord with the <br /> objectives of the Downtown TOD Strategy; and is in compliance with the development <br /> standards of the Zoning Code. <br /> C. The City Council finds that the grounds for the Appeal are without merit, in that the <br /> design of the Project, including the building's form and massing, have been demonstrated <br /> to not result in conditions which would be detrimental to the public health, safety or <br /> welfare of persons residing in the vicinity of the Project, and will not be detrimental to <br /> properties or improvements in the vicinity, or to the general welfare of the City. The <br /> design and massing of the Project have been found to be in accord with all development <br /> standards identified in the Zoning Code and any shadows cast by the Project upon <br /> adjacent properties have been demonstrated to not result in a nuisance condition or a <br /> condition that deprives adjacent property owners from the enjoyment or use of their <br /> properties. <br /> D. The City Council hereby upholds the Findings of Fact as adopted by the Board of Zoning <br /> Adjustment in support of its approval of the Site Plan Review for the Project(PLN 17- <br /> 0061), as adopted on January 4, 2018, incorporated herein and attached to this Resolution <br /> as Exhibit A. <br /> E. The City Council finds that the Conditions of Approval for the Project are suitably <br /> written to ensure the Project is appropriately developed and compatible with its <br /> surroundings. The City Council hereby upholds the Conditions of Approval for the <br /> Project(PLN 17-006 1) as adopted by the Board of Zoning Adjustments on January 4, <br /> 2018, incorporated herein and attached to this Resolution as Exhibit B. <br /> RESOLUTION NO. 2018-020 3 <br />