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File Number: 18-139 <br />$2,340,000 taxable Series B Bonds. The Series B Bonds will be issued on a taxable basis to <br />provide greater flexibility in the operation and ownership of certain City assets financed or to be <br />financed in whole or in part by the 2008 TABs and ensure continued compliance with federal tax <br />law. This will marginally reduce refunding savings, because taxable municipal debt carries higher <br />interest rates than tax-exempt debt. All interest rates have increased a bit since last December, <br />but based on municipal bond market rates effective 3/6/18, staff estimated that refinancing the <br />2008 TABs could result in over $7.7 million total nominal savings over the life of the 2008 TABs. <br />The present value (PV) of these future savings, discounting the nominal savings by the estimated <br />arbitrage yield of 3.25%, is $3.8 million. This results in net present value (NPV) savings of about <br />16.7% when taken as a percentage of the par value of the 2008 TABs to be refunded. The <br />general rule of thumb is that the minimum NPV savings should be at least 3-5% of refunded par. <br />City staff emphasizes that these savings numbers are estimates based on the current <br />market and other issuance assumptions such as assumed rating, and will not be certain <br />until the Refunding Bonds are priced. Interest rates can rise or fall significantly in just a matter <br />of weeks and there is no way to predict accurately what the municipal market will look like months <br />from now. But if municipal yields rise by an average of 50 basis points (.50%, or one-half of 1%), <br />total nominal savings will fall to $6.4 million, which is total PV savings of $2.6 million. This <br />translates to NPV savings of 11.5% of refunded par, which would still be an excellent refunding <br />result. The City will directly realize only a modest portion of the debt service savings from this <br />refunding, because the City receives 12% of the property tax revenues from the Alameda County - <br />City of San Leandro Redevelopment Project (Project Area), a portion of the tax increment from <br />which will be pledged as security for the Refunding Bonds. The County receives 25% of the <br />property tax revenues from the Project Area and therefore receives the benefits of this refunding; <br />special districts receive 17% and school districts 46%. <br />Resolutions <br />The City acting as the Successor Agency must approve the following resolution to complete the <br />issue authorization process for the Refunding Bonds. <br />Resolution of the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San <br />Leandro Confirming the Issuance of Refunding Bonds Pursuant to an Indenture of <br />Trust, Approving Preliminary and Final Official Statements - This resolution confirms <br />approval of the issuance of Refunding Bonds in both tax-exempt and taxable refunding series, as <br />authorized on 12/18/17, and approves the POS in substantially final form on file with the City Clerk <br />that will be finalized after pricing. <br />The City acting as the Successor Agency, the San Leandro Public Financing Authority and the <br />City of San Leandro Parking Authority must approve the following resolution to comply with <br />Senate Bill 1029, which is effective this year and requires that California public agencies adopt <br />debt management policies that meet certain criteria. <br />Joint Resolution of the City Council of the City of San Leandro, and the City Council <br />acting as the Board of Directors of the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency <br />of the City of San Leandro, the San Leandro Public Financing Authority and the City of <br />San Leandro Parking Authority, Approving the Adoption of a Debt Management Policy - <br />This resolution must be approved prior to issuing the Bonds. The Debt Management Policy <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 3/27/2018 <br />89