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File Number: 18-176 <br />eligible bicycle facility improvement projects, which has resulted in the installation of more than <br />13,000 new secure bicycle parking spots (via racks and lockers) as well as the installation of <br />more than 200 miles of new bikeways and paths. Through the TFCA Program, the Air District <br />competitively solicits projects that will construct new bikeways to encourage travel mode shift with <br />up to $5 million in 2017 funds available to public agencies that apply. <br />In June 2017, the City of San Leandro submitted an application for TFCA funds for use in building <br />9.5 miles of bikeways in the San Leandro West area, including 1.7 miles of Class II Bikeways and <br />7.8 miles of Class III Bikeways. The Air District Board of Directors approved and awarded the <br />grant to the City in September 2017. <br />Recently, the Air District sent the City a funding agreement for review and execution. The <br />agreement sets forth the terms, conditions, insurance, and recordkeeping requirements of the <br />grant. A fully executed agreement obligates the Air District to fund the project and obligates the <br />City to construct the project. <br />Analysis <br />The Bicycle Network West project is included in the City’s adopted Capital Improvement Program <br />as Project No. 2014.0430 (the Project). The award amount of $139,128 in TFCA funding and the <br />required minimum local match of $48,372 will be used to fund the construction of the Project. The <br />City has previously appropriated $250,000 in Measure BB funds for the Project, thus fulfilling the <br />required local match requirement. <br />The agreement provides two years for project implementation, and further obligates the City to <br />maintain the facilities for at least seven years after construction is completed. The Project is <br />currently in the final design phase and construction is planned for the fourth quarter of 2018. <br />Current Agency Policies <br />Maintain and enhance San Leandro’s infrastructure <br />Committee Review and Actions <br />Several updates on the Project have been presented to the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory <br />Committee (BPAC), the most recent occurring on May 4, 2017. <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />Policy T-2.1 Complete Streets Serving All Users and Modes. Create and maintain “complete” <br />streets that provide safe, comfortable, and convenient travel through a comprehensive, integrated <br />transportation network that serves all users. <br />Policy T-3.1 Citywide Bikeway System. Develop and maintain a bikeway system that meets the <br />need of both utilitarian and recreational users, reduces vehicle trips, and connect residential <br />neighborhoods to employment and shopping areas, BART stations, schools, recreational <br />facilities and other destinations throughout San Leandro and nearby communities. <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 5/1/2018 <br />1539