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8E Consent Calendar 2018 0521
City Clerk
City Council
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Packet 2018 0521
8E Consent Calendar 2018 0521
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5/15/2018 3:56:29 PM
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5/15/2018 3:56:28 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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File Number: 18-225 <br />or 21% from the same period last year, likely due to the implementation of an online payment <br />system that is more efficient and user friendly. Year-end totals are expected to meet or exceed <br />budgetary estimates and be greater than 2016-17. <br />(5) Franchise Fees (51% of adopted budget compared to 50% in 2016-17) - Franchise <br />Fees are the City’s fifth largest revenue source and are 4% of total general fund revenue <br />estimates. The current year's estimate for Franchise Fees revenue is $121,000 greater than <br />budgeted in 2016-17. Franchise Fees increased by $100,000 or approximately 4% from the <br />same period last year. Franchise Fees are expected to meet estimates and be slightly greater <br />than 2016-17. <br />Detailed below are other General Fund revenue sources with year over year variances that are <br />greater than 15% and $500,000. <br />Licenses & Permits (88% of adopted budget compared to 71% in 2016-17) - Licenses & <br />Permits revenue increased by $827,000 or 58% largely due to services provided by the City’s <br />Building division and the fees charged therefrom. Revenue from building permits increased by <br />$502,044 year over year. Long Range Planning Fees and Building Automation Update Fees <br />saw significant revenue increases in fiscal year 2017-18 as well. <br /> <br />As reported in the attached 3rd Quarter Financial Report, all other taxes and revenue receipts are <br />relatively in line with budgeted revenues. The third quarter report will show a closer estimate to <br />what the year-end results will reflect. <br />General Fund Expenditures <br /> <br />The General Fund’s third quarter expenditures total $72.1 million or 63% of the adopted budget. <br />Year over year, General Fund expenditure increased by $1.1 million. Detailed below are General <br />Fund expenditure categories with year over year variances that are greater than 15% and <br />$500,000. <br />Police (75% of adopted budget compared to 76% in 2016-17) - The Police Department’s <br />total expenditures at the end of the third quarter totaled $28.4 million, a $3.7 million increase from <br />the prior year. Of this amount, $2.3 million is from increases to Salaries & Benefits, mainly due to <br />the PERS Safety prepayment made in the first quarter of the fiscal year. This variance will further <br />decrease as the fiscal year comes to a close. The remaining $1.4 million is a result of increases <br />to internal service charges, mainly for the replacement and maintenance of police vehicles. <br />Transfers (0% of adopted budget compared to 175% in 2016-17) - The variance of $6.3 <br />million within the General Fund interfund transfers is due to a $6.2 million transfer to the Insurance <br />Services Fund in fiscal year 2016-17. As part of the Prioritizing Unfunded Liability Liquidation <br />(PULL) Program, the City contributed $6.2 million into PARS for Other Post-Employment Benefits <br />(OPEB). <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 5/15/2018 <br />38
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