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File Number: 18-237 <br />these tasks to limit any unnecessary expenditures. With that said, having the funding <br />appropriation in place will enable staff to move forward as quickly as possible, given the <br />extremely tight timeframe available to complete all required tasks in order to qualify for the <br />November election. <br />Per the direction of the City Council, staff has also met with representatives from the Local 55 <br />Chapter of the Alameda County Firefighters and San Leandro Police Officers Association and <br />requested confirmation as to whether they would be willing to provide a voluntary financial <br />contribution that would equitably share in the cost of the public opinion survey. To date of writing <br />of this staff report, staff has not received written confirmation from these organizations in <br />response to this request. However, staff will report to the City Council with relevant updates as <br />new information becomes available. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />The cost of anticipated consulting services agreements and related outreach efforts will require <br />the appropriation of $95,000 in one-time costs from the General Fund Economic Uncertainty <br />Reserves to account 010-12-020-5120. In the event the public safety parcel tax ultimately moves <br />forward and is authorized by two-thirds of the electorate, it is estimated that it could generate in <br />the order of several million dollars per year in new revenue for public safety services before <br />sunsetting. <br />PREPARED BY: Eric Engelbart, Deputy City Manager, City Manager’s Office <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 5/15/2018 <br />52