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File Number: 18-247 <br />diminished. This change will also lead to a more efficient employment process. <br />San Leandro City Employees’ Association (SLCEA) Salary Schedule <br />The Community Services Specialist and Community Services Officer classifications were <br />originally developed to include a wide variety of community standard issues. Upon the <br />implementation of the City’s Community Care initiative, both job classifications were revised to <br />focus primarily on the enforcement of the City’s Community Preservation Ordinance, Weed <br />Ordinance, and Zoning Code. The revised job titles of Code Enforcement Supervisor and Code <br />Enforcement Officer are more reflective of these responsibilities. <br />The Plant Electrician I/II specification was updated to reflect more field specific nomenclature. <br />With the modernization of the Water Pollution Control Plant, the title of Plant Electrical and <br />Instrumentation Technician I/II is more aligned with similar facilities and more clearly identifies the <br />responsibilities of the position. <br />These title changes are consistent with the job descriptions approved by the Personnel Relations <br />Board. Since the level of duties and responsibilities have not substantially changed, no <br />adjustment to salary ranges are proposed. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />There are no changes to the current salary ranges for the proposed job title changes. The funds <br />for the minimum wage increase have been included in the Biennial budget. <br />PREPARED BY: Emily Hung, Human Resources Manager, City Manager's Office <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 5/30/2018 <br />103