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10A Action Items 2018 0716
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Packet 2018 0716
10A Action Items 2018 0716
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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File Number: 18-340 <br />Administrative costs include maintaining a tobacco retailer database, as well as creating and <br />maintaining a program website that includes a dynamic list of banned products and frequently <br />asked questions. <br />Fees will also fund a compliance monitoring program operated by the Police Department. This <br />will consist of triannual compliance checks of all tobacco retailers, periodic decoy operations and <br />retailer outreach. The fee is recommended to be structured at a rate that is “up to $500” to allow <br />flexibility in the actual rate that is charged to retailers each year in the event the City is able to <br />receive additional grant funding from the State of California that would help to off-set the City’s <br />costs of implementation (and therefore reduce the amount of the fee that must be collected from <br />retailers). As of the date of \this staff report, the City has already received $9,852 as part of a <br />recent round of state grant funding that is derived from state tobacco taxes, which will be used to <br />off-set some of the over-time costs associated with public outreach by the San Leandro Police <br />Department as well as software updates related to the processing of the permits and fees. The <br />City also expects to submit an application to a subsequent round of grant funding that is expected <br />to be awarded later this year. <br />Annual Tobacco Retail License/Permit Fees <br />Other cities in the Bay Area that have a tobacco retailers ordinance adopted the following fees to <br />cover the costs of their own enforcement programs: <br />El Cerrito - $439 <br />Hayward - $400 <br />Oakland - $1,500 <br />San Jose - $533 <br />Union City - $769 <br />As a result, the recommended fee of up to $500 falls below both the mean and median (average) <br />fee that is charged by other Bay Area jurisdictions. <br />Outreach to Retailers in Advance of Ordinance Implementation <br />In addition to the public outreach to all known tobacco retailers that took place last year in <br />advance of adopting the Tobacco Retailer’s Ordinance, city staff also met with local retailers <br />earlier this year to discuss the program’s requirements and learn about any outstanding questions <br />retailers had in regards to the ordinance’s implementation. To further bolster these outreach <br />efforts and address outstanding questions, the City will host two retailer information sessions on <br />July 11, 2018 and July 25, 2018, in addition to developing a detailed program website at <br /> <> that contains links to various program <br />materials and answers to frequently asked questions. As of the date of this staff report, an <br />invitation letter and outreach flyer were mailed to all known tobacco retailers in the City. San <br />Leandro police officers are also conducting in-person site visits to local retailers in advance of <br />these information sessions to ensure they are aware of the sessions as well as the pending <br />August 15th implementation deadline. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/10/2018
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