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10B Action Items 2018 0716
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Packet 2018 0716
10B Action Items 2018 0716
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7/11/2018 12:32:41 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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File Number: 18-285 <br />With better understanding of parking patterns, on July 17, 2017, the City Council approved the <br />DPMP with a strategy to aid future land-use and economic development decisions, and increase <br />the sustainability of the Downtown area. On July 17, 2017, the City Council also approved a <br />Consulting Services Agreement with Dixon Resources Unlimited (DIXON) for oversight of the <br />Downtown San Leandro parking system and guided implementation of the City’s new DPMP. The <br />implementation of the DPMP is funded through the appropriation of $600,000 from the Successor <br />Agency to the City of San Leandro Redevelopment Agency’s 2008 Bond Funds to the City of San <br />Leandro Parking Fund’s 2017-18 Operating Expenditure. <br />The DPMP included proposed regulations, rates and time restrictions for the Downtown Parking <br />Garage, on-street parking and off-street public parking lots. Staff has worked with DIXON to <br />establish an implementation plan that incorporates the DPMP recommendations with technology <br />and operational solutions. As a result, a thorough assessment of the City of San Leandro Code <br />was conducted and the proposed amendments to Title 6, Chapter 6-2 of the Municipal Code, as <br />well as the addition of Title 8, Chapter 14 of the Administrative Code, are intended to improve the <br />management of the San Leandro public parking system. <br />The proposed changes will allow for a more efficient and manageable parking program that will <br />address chronic abuses and loopholes within the existing system. The amended codes are <br />intended to promote compliance with City parking regulations and to improve the overall public <br />parking experience. <br />Employee Parking Permit Program <br />Convenient public parking in Downtown San Leandro should be accessible and available to <br />customers and visitors. Utilization of these spaces by employees can cause congestion in the <br />downtown area, specifically in retail centers. Long-term parking by non-customers threatens the <br />access to and success of Downtown San Leandro businesses. The Employee Parking Permit <br />Program is intended to designate areas where employees can park long-term to allow the most <br />convenient parking to remain available for customers. The proposed amendments to Title 6, <br />Article 4 of the San Leandro Municipal Code and Title 8, Chapter 14 of the San Leandro <br />Administrative Code will provide for an Employee Parking Permit Program in which downtown <br />employees may obtain a permit to be able to park long-term in designated employee parking <br />areas. <br />Employees of downtown businesses may park all day in the Estudillo Parking Garage, located <br />along Estudillo Avenue, east of East 14th Street. However, in an effort to provide additional <br />convenient parking options for local businesses, additional locations may be designated for <br />long-term employee parking. The first proposed employee parking designated location will be the <br />east side of Hays Street between West Juana Avenue and West Estudillo Avenue. This <br />designated parking area will provide employees, particularly nearby Washington Plaza <br />employees, an additional 30 employee parking spaces. Additional employee parking areas may <br />be designated as needed. Although it is not especially common for cities to reserve on-street <br />parking spaces for employees, in this instance staff believes that doing so will provide a <br />convenient option for certain retail employees while opening up the most desirable spaces for <br />shoppers at nearby businesses. <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/10/2018
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