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8E Consent Calendar 2018 0716
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Packet 2018 0716
8E Consent Calendar 2018 0716
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7/11/2018 12:33:49 PM
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7/11/2018 12:33:49 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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File Number: 18-330 <br />failed condition. <br />The City’s streets are divided into approximately 1,000 maintenance segments which are each <br />inspected every two years. The street conditions are tracked in a software application, <br />StreetSaver, that can also predict deterioration over time and evaluate the cost effectiveness of <br />maintenance alternatives. Based on current construction prices, the condition of City streets, and <br />the rate at which pavement is deteriorating, StreetSaver calculates that $10,500,000 per year is <br />required to maintain the City’s road system in its current condition and further recommends that <br />76% of that funding (approximately $8,000,000) be spent each year on overlay and <br />reconstruction. <br />This project has already funded two design contracts and one construction contract. Design <br />contracts were issued to NCE Engineers and WRECO Engineers for design of streets to be <br />repaired under this project as well as a subsequent project. Data collection and design work is a <br />lengthy process and designing enough street repair for two years of funding will accelerate the <br />delivery of the work. Construction of phase one of this project was performed by DeSilva Gates <br />Construction, L.P. and included improvements in the northern half of the City, most notably on San <br />Leandro Boulevard north of San Leandro Creek. <br />This is the second construction contract to be awarded for this project. This contract will overlay <br />and reconstruct 1.0 lane-mile of roadway on 8 different streets. The streets selected for overlay <br />were the worst streets that could be preserved utilizing overlays. The streets selected for <br />rehabilitation were the worst streets within the City. When selecting streets, priority is given to <br />streets that carry more vehicles than the norm and streets that are on a bike route. Whereas the <br />first phase of this construction project contained arterials, collectors, and bike routes, this phase <br />consists of residential streets. A list of the work locations is attached to this staff report. This <br />contract will also construct approximately $200,000 in Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) <br />ramp upgrades that are adjacent to and required by the street work. Plans and Specifications <br />setting forth in detail the work to be done can be viewed on the City’s website at the following <br />location: <br />Additionally, this contract will construct speed cushions on four streets as part of the <br />Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program. A list of those locations is attached to this staff report. <br />This construction contract is an important step toward improving the City’s streets and the design <br />work done sets the City on a course that will deliver street improvements at a faster pace than at <br />any time in the past. <br />Analysis <br />Bids were opened on June 19, 2018. Three bids were received ranging from $1,700,203 to <br />$1,887,276. The pre-bid engineer’s estimate for construction was $1,518,747. The lowest bid, <br />from PMK Contractors LLC, did not contain all of the required proposal paperwork. The missing <br />paperwork is listed in the project’s contract specification book as a material aspect of the bid, <br />such that its omission is not a minor waivable irregularity. Thus, staff rejected the apparent lowest <br />bid as non-responsive. <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/10/2018
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